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Talk about anything regarding Imperian! Well, unless it belongs in one of the other categories below.
Like combat? Share your systems, talk strategy, ask questions, and post your logs.
Ask scripting related questions, or share your completed scripts.
174 discussions 1.7K comments Most recent: Request for help in gathering some data (Mudlet) by Irrillian August 2022
This board is for posting about broken quests, mobs, rooms, and so on. Do not post about skills or anything like that. If you do, we may have to kill you.
Have an idea Imperian cannot live without? Here is the place to share it with other players and see what they think.
A special board where the game administration will post development reports and special news.
154 discussions 2K comments Most recent: Announce post #4147: July Promotions by Autoposter July 2023
That's right, people do find things to do when not playing Imperian. If you want to talk about it, post it here. Anything not related to Imperian gets posted in here.