What happened to roleplay?
I remember that when I started playing Imperian It was all about the lore, the history of the realm and the way my character resonated with the guild’s and city’s principles. OOC Talk was reserved to ring channels or tells and anything said could OOC-ly could not have IC consequences. I just logged in after some time and I just want to know, that the hell happened Imperian? Where did we go wrong?
(Excuse the quality of the screenshots. I was on the mobile)

Granted, I did drop the F bomb but seriously?
Edited to remove a screenshot that violated language rules - Eoghan
Edited to remove a screenshot that violated language rules - Eoghan
"One mind, any weapon."
Roleplay is alive and well, though generally isolated to smaller groups. I haven’t seen much RP on a large scale in a while, though for the most part everyone prefaces OOC speak with // or ().
I'd support anything to improve storyline, immersion, and purpose. Except policing the current arbitrary circle dogma. Magick is not understandable by normal logic? That dog won't hunt.
Ithaqua does(did?) have a good basis for RP to it. I played the game mostly for RP with some PK, but I've all but quit for a multitude of reasons. A lack of personal enjoyment was the main reason.
Circles proned Aetherius, and the deaths of two of the three major conflict generators/storyline instigators BBT'd it into Dis. The world is now entirely reliant on sandbox instigation but provides so many closed systems that there's nothing to be done.
Iunno. Reboot it. Imperian Classic.
Infin's also not the first person to use a mirror to use another circle's class. Kinsarmar had Morrow trying to use the ranged telepathy kill from monks before it got nerfed, and that's a case where it's known what the point of the mirror was. All we have here is GWHO output and an immediate jump to a conclusion; who's to say that there weren't actual IC reasons? (Granted, jumping to "admin said it's fine" probably means that there weren't good IC reasons, but I'm also in the "who cares?" boat given how deplorable RP as a whole is and the constant shit people like to give each other.)
I'm just saying the game painted itself into corners and then hucked people to opposite ends of the room. It's not doing anything to promote interaction in any way that isn't "raid offpeak" "zerg" or "talk shit in shouts".
Gotta scorched earth it.
I wager the people that actually do roleplay in the game are busy doing that and not lamenting about how the imms suck.
But in regards to the log! The "admin" part isn't where I think the roleplay went south. I think the fact that people are defending their blatant disregard of RP (I don't use magick, and am vehemently against it per my org, but I'll be a magick class cuz i have the artifact!) because the imms say it is ok. The imms also tell you the proper amount of time your character should be seeking revenge. In other words, dictating what is RP which unfortunately was around before this game or they learned to program. Thus, why would any RPer worth their salt stick around? Both of these things, and more, are just to appease players and make them buy more credits unfortunately that does nothing for RP. Anyone into RP real RP ( and not bound to this game by thousands of dollars spent on credits) will just find a decent RP environment. And generally speaking the people that spend thousands of bucks on artifacts that mostly affect PvP and PvE are not playing this game to/for RP.
In other words, what happened to RP? It left with the RPers.
I logged in to help someone, but aside from that, I haven't been around for more than 5-10 minutes at a time once every few weeks.