Calling All Combatants Old and New

I have an idea that might be fun. If you have a Tome of the Undying (or if you don't mind bashing to 100), roll a level 100 no-artifact, no-extra-lessons newbie. Let's have like a... Tome of the Undying Tournament. Not restricted to tome champs, of course, as long as the same criteria is met. It would be interesting because you wouldn't be tri-trans and you wouldn't have a lot of healing skills. It could be its own little thing, since those of you who are left mostly sit around doing nothing. Might as well fill the nothing with something ridiculous.
If there are enough of us we could even do lowbie teams.
I regretfully do not have a tome.
It's true that there are really only a couple of "locals" who can play at anywhere near that level (and one is hoping that all of his work is somewhere on a very sickly disk), so it may just be that they don't see anyone to play with. And make no mistake, our homegrown individuals and teams would get absolutely wrecked by these guys and it's nothing you're going to be able to improve quickly (but you should still consider fighting them at least once or twice and LOG it). But even so, the mere platform of the game itself is sort of a potential playground for this kind of power player to play with and against EACH OTHER. With that in mind, what do people think of our chances of getting a spike in PK activity (at least for awhile)?
(may vanish for periods of time)
Anyway, the reason I see IRE's challenjour tier as the guys who could be enticed is because those are the guys who can pretty easily adapt to a whole new IRE and quickly become a huge threat - and, of course, try to destroy that one guy from Aetolia, or Lusternia, or Achaea who everyone says is "the best". I wonder if they think about it in those terms or not though (it may not even be on their radar).
Sometimes they do really need an item or two to survive against a whale, but especially in 1 v. 1 (and even in groups if they're good enough), they don't need much compared to the average combatant. And now, they are going to have a real chance to get those items. And probably a lot more than that over time, without investing big bucks (most top tier guys are both "very, very good" AND also "whales" in their primary games).
EDIT: I'd be a little surprised if it could last more than a year or two all told (and probably wayyyy shorter than that - because you really are going to find out "who is the undisputed king of everything, who is 1 v. 1 king, who is king of teams?"), but it would be a hell of a ride if you're that class of player (and enough fellow Challenjours take up the... challenge). I have a theory that they may not be at all interested in doing that, but also, that they may - or enough may. It partly depends on whether most big boys like being undisputed big boy more, or if they like novelty and a challenge more. If a good number come, another option is that all or most of them join the same team (although I think that would be difficult to get much out of that in the current game) for the hilarity (different than close friends grouping together). That is a thing, too.