Wiki Curing List
Well, I am a complete newb at Imperian and in the middle of building a system on mudlet as I find autocuring a little too basic, plus missing defs on defup..
so I have a few questions..
is correct? and if so, what does TREE not cure? since that'll be easier then asking what it does cure as someone told me tree cures blackout which blew my mind...
also do all the DEFS show up on 'def' as I noticed pear didn't... and if not, what are all the basic defs from herb/salves/drinking?
thanks in Advance
so I have a few questions..
is correct? and if so, what does TREE not cure? since that'll be easier then asking what it does cure as someone told me tree cures blackout which blew my mind...
also do all the DEFS show up on 'def' as I noticed pear didn't... and if not, what are all the basic defs from herb/salves/drinking?
thanks in Advance
happen to know what DEFS, herb/drink/salves this game has?
the game I come from has a help cure, which lists what each herb/drink/apply cures.. does Imperian? as all I can find so far is things to say what cures whatbut not nothing about defences
The list of defs given by concoctions should be pretty straightforward from looking at AB CONCOCTIONS FULL, but they are:
Drinking Frost: 25% resist to fire damage (temperance)
Applying Caloric: protection from first freezing effect
Drinking Levitation: Levitation
Applying mass: Density
Speed: Heightened speed (protection from first aeon effect)
the claims are stated - it's the world I've created
AFFLICTION LIST and AFFLICTION <AFF> SHOW should give you all you need to know curing wise for any type affliction....also tree doesn't cure writhes of any form.
You were so close.
the claims are stated - it's the world I've created
but that doens't mention what tree cures... and whats a defence or not .. thank you tho
what are the afflictions names for, slow balance/slow equilibrium? and weak immune system or is that the names on You are afflicted with .... ??
affliction show name
I agree that removing help cures is pointless in this day and age. I wouldn't object to it being a normal public help file at all. Its largely redundant in this day and age but it might make it easier on people transitioning from other games. You should bug it and ask for it and explain it is to make transitioning to Imperian easier.
it even shows if mending/restoration is to a limb etc.. And with the GHELP CUREs the 2/3 different 'ghelp cures' I've seen have been completely different on what cures what, its main reason I made this topic to find out the truth...
exmaple: This is me having Asthma and getting afflicted with Aeon, using kelp to cure asthma...
Zangaroth mixes some purple and blue bone dust and throws it at you, slowing down your movement in the time
Afflicted with Aeon
Zangaroth quickly flings some red dust at you, confounding you.
H:318 M:367 < eb db > B:0
smoke pipe with laurel
You move sluggishly into action.
H:318 M:367 < eb adb > B:0
Your heavy lungs are much too constricted to smoke.
H:318 M:367 < eb db > B:0
outr kelp
eat kelp
You move sluggishly into action.
H:318 M:367 < eb adb > B:0
You move sluggishly into action.
H:318 M:367 < eb adb > B:0
What is it you wish to eat?
H:318 M:367 < eb db > B:0
outr kelp
eat kelp
You move sluggishly into action.
H:318 M:367 < eb adb > B:0
You move sluggishly into action.
H:318 M:367 < eb adb > B:0
What is it you wish to eat?
H:318 M:367 < eb db > B:0
outr kelp
eat kelp
You move sluggishly into action.
H:318 M:367 < eb adb > B:0
You move sluggishly into action.
H:318 M:367 < eb adb > B:0
What is it you wish to eat?
... it didn't cure it I had to turn my system off and use tree/let it cure itself... any tips?
That is, until the hopefully close revamp of Mages and Summoners remove them from the game.
thanks for the info tho
Or you can go the simplest route (since they are eventually going out) and just activate autocuring while you are in retardation/aeon. The actual command to activate/deactivate autocuring isn't affected by the delay.
and no matter how good you are, you cant drink speed fast enough if someone is trying to aeon you as its like 4/5 seconds before speed is up and im sure aeon flinging/hitting isn't that slow...
but the problem isn't aeon as for what I can tell, im curing that well, its Asthma and Aeon together since I cant outr kelp to cure asthma..