Not sure if Wysrias said it here or not, but the reason why devotion is a problem is that it has an automatic self rezz on top of a combat rezz in the same class. You don't see this in any other profession.
Right, how are redemption and animate comparable again? Devotion res and animate are comparable, redemption and starburst (now) are comparable (with redemption being the clear winner). Redemption doesn't cost balance, and when you come back from redemption, you don't have to redef earthshield. You might think that sounds strange, except when you are rezzed, you don't get putrefaction back automatically. That's eqloss for the animator, eqloss to get back to average levels of tankiness for the person being rezzed.
Half the time if I'm dropping quick after a combat rez i'll just redef vengeance to try and give some form of dps output to my damage sponging.
To be fair, I would have capped the outpost if I didn't spend 30 minutes derping around looking for the door's key. (that's why I said the stars were in alignment)
Also, to be fair, my reinforcements arrived naturally: 5 minutes after you won, I still had 80-90% of my team, whereas AM had all of... Ultrix+Siath?
To be fair, I would have capped the outpost if I didn't spend 30 minutes derping around looking for the door's key. (that's why I said the stars were in alignment)
Also, to be fair, my reinforcements arrived naturally: 5 minutes after you won, I still had 80-90% of my team, whereas AM had all of... Ultrix+Siath?
I just so happened to log in to check messages this morning and saw a ton of target calling, so I joined in.
<div>Message #2062 Sent By: (imperian) Received On: 1/20/2018/2:59</div><div>"Antioch has filed a bounty against you. Reason: Raiding Antioch and stealing Bina, being a right</div><div>ass, and not belonging anywhere near Antioch till he grows up."</div>
From what I saw from the logs, once the Calvary rolled in, pretty much only Kalcer died for AM, with an intermittent einheri death thrown in for color.
It was (is?) pretty demoralizing to kill Kalcer three times while my entire team melts into oblivion. Once they started chopping down my claymores, and omghands, our dps plummeted into the nether regions of Khizan's special hell reserved for people who don't like the dps-game. Sadly, I was an intelligent summoner
It was (is?) pretty demoralizing to kill Kalcer three times while my entire team melts into oblivion. Once they started chopping down my claymores, and omghands, our dps plummeted into the nether regions of Khizan's special hell reserved for people who don't like the dps-game. Sadly, I was an intelligent summoner
Not sure why you'd have to kill Kalcer 3 times - he uses a starburst tattoo but is a ranger. Don't think anyone on our team was pro-rezzing like Menoch though.
@Ozreas lol, thanks for pointing that out. You know how you say something in your head but write something else down instead. I blame that. Just for clarification, I do know the difference between the two :P
Number of matching objects: 11 (out of 1209 total)
Though no larger than a standard tarot deck, this deck markedly departs from the norm by being bound in black leather of unknown origin. A peek inside the deck is mind-bending, as it seems to be full to the brim yet empty all at once.
It weighs about 1 pound and 2 ounces.
It bears the distinctive mark of Warlock Iniar Nullheart, Novissima Autem Diaboli.
Info inv and info here will now show the kit type.
Reported by Ozreas at 2014/10/20 23:54:
Add a new skill in perception or engineering, kitlist, to let me see what each siege weapon kit in my inventory can be assembled into. Alternatively, display this information in ii, a la the contents of vials.
"...We are dying, Alchemist. No cause seems great enough to return to my people the zest for life. I try, but inspiration has never been a great talent of mine..."
Drawing on the power of undeath, you wreathe your hand in black, crackling energy. With a diabolical laugh, you stiffen your hand and slowly run it down Theophilus's chest, splitting it open as you do so. With an expert touch, you rip apart his innards, causing a maximum of horrifying pain, and, enjoying the spectacle of Theophilus writhing and screaming in agony, you rip out his sternum and drive it through his splayed body, pinning him to the ground to die. Theophilus backs away and eases off. You have slain Theophilus.
Now I can go back to focusing on Catharsis. Happy in life now.
Half the time if I'm dropping quick after a combat rez i'll just redef vengeance to try and give some form of dps output to my damage sponging.
To be fair, if it wasn't for that freaking door we'd have had that outpost like half an hour before Iniar could've found his reinforcements.
I sat there warping every five minutes like a clown before suddenly realising I actually had it powercall memorised already. My team was unamused.
I kid you not:
And how my week is going.
And the opening music from Lucky Star.
Modifier Value Result
Armour Resistance (43 reducible) 31% 106
Surcoat 15% 90
Statpack Damage Modifier 10% 81
Confutation 20% 65
Evasion Skill 12% 57
Strength Modifier 3 60
Total Resistance 50% 60
splitting it open as you do so. With an expert touch, you rip apart his innards, causing a maximum of horrifying pain, and, enjoying the spectacle of Theophilus writhing and
screaming in agony, you rip out his sternum and drive it through his splayed body, pinning him to the ground to die.
Theophilus backs away and eases off.
You have slain Theophilus.
Now I can go back to focusing on Catharsis. Happy in life now.
Kryss's eyes fill with battle rage as she screams out, "And make it double!"
You are ridiculously odd. (This is a general
Stavenn generally for making slightly more interesting bad guys than straight up PK. Even if you make it difficult to host an event. Punks.
over every mistake.
You just keep on trying
till you run out of cake.