Engineering Help for a Newb
In the recent raids, I started learning everything I don't know about my profession. So:
How do I use the gyrocoptor/sniper ability? According to the ab file you can sniper anyone in the same area. When I tried SHOOT <player>, it told me I needed to specify a direction. If said player is not in a straight line from me, but in the same area, what is the syntax?
Trying to RANDOMSHOT three bullets from a gyrocoptor caused my shot to fall out. Is this a hint that certain attacks aren't allowed while in the air?
Can I really store my already-filled hollowshot in the Rift and not deal with chemical decay?
Is CREMATE as insta-kill as it sounds?
Finally, this is my first MUD, so some advice on basic ways to make PvP more manageable would be greatly appreciated.
How do I use the gyrocoptor/sniper ability? According to the ab file you can sniper anyone in the same area. When I tried SHOOT <player>, it told me I needed to specify a direction. If said player is not in a straight line from me, but in the same area, what is the syntax?
Trying to RANDOMSHOT three bullets from a gyrocoptor caused my shot to fall out. Is this a hint that certain attacks aren't allowed while in the air?
Can I really store my already-filled hollowshot in the Rift and not deal with chemical decay?
Is CREMATE as insta-kill as it sounds?
Finally, this is my first MUD, so some advice on basic ways to make PvP more manageable would be greatly appreciated.
Filled hollowshots will decay and they'll become unstable shots, which aren't entirely useless they're just unpredictable. For a good laugh, overload a blunderbuss with unstable shot. (if you can pull that off since rebounding pretty much nullifies the attack so... yeah.)
Sniper was weird and i could never get it to work for me either (it used to have a hilariously OP bug with it though) and being in the air makes you uncomfortably vulnerable to certain attacks as well.
As for randomshot falling out of your gun while in the air, I think you might be right in that certain attacks are only meant to be done on the ground. Pretty much the only reason you'd fly up at all as an engineer is to try and snipe people. Or to perform bombing runs.
A) not be invisible in some way on the who (most are, but there's some clever ways around it)
b) you do PATH SEARCH <room name>
C) pray they don't move before you line up your shot.
Failing that you can just spam each direction and see what happens.
B: PATH SEARCH <room name> :: How do I get this? Will inserting the room name I get from using my Spyglass/Circular Glass work?
C: So far, I haven't succeeded in this. Suppose my target is ne - ne - nw from me. I try SHOOT <player> ne and it says I can't see anyone in that direction. I know they weren't moving, because @Ciro was kindly standing still for me to practice on.
(Also, gyro fly is the worst crap in the world.)
As far as gyro flying... I tend to agree. The (slightly) increased path tracking speed when going through water is easily outweighed by the time to take off and the need to land every time I hit a doorway. Cities aren't built underground, and there's no restricted airspace warning. Let me fly over the gate!!
The gate thing is an issue for all flying, but amidst all of the issues I have with Engineer, them having a special flying machine that is the worst method of flight I've ever seen takes the cake.
I was able to get snipe to work in my testing, but I'm not swapping back into that ickiness to check again
Hmmm... I thought the Shuk of Antioch was outside, but maybe not? My biggest cause of confusion is the syntax.
In your testing, do you remember if you were sitting around one or more corners from your target? Did you use the SHOOT <player> <first direction> syntax?
So when you do WHO with thirdeye/primrose on you'd wanna do 'path search Aryana's Spring' for example and it'll come back with the vnum of that location (if it can find one, player homes do not work with this) and any other locations that match that name. You then do 'path find <number> to find the initial direction.
Bit of fiddly business, but its how I'd find that information.