Is Imperian a good fit for an RP/basher?
I've found the things I enjoy most in MUDs are the RP and the PvE. I'm pretty much entirely disinterested in PvP. I like the lore in Imperian, and I've met some cool players so far, but is there a place for somebody who'd rather kill denizens than other players here? I'd like to be able to advance in city/guild rank, and to feel like my character is contributing something to her community. I envision playing as an avid reader/writer, so writing texts of various sorts is a possible contribution, once I get settled. But will I be disappointed in the end if I'm not into the PvP scene?
Because we are playing a text based game, you will find some mechanics are not as engaging as a graphical encounter. However, I think the creators of this content really did a good job while keeping those limitations in mind.
I have personally enjoyed all of it and found it challenging to figure out some of the fights. You will also find that you are rewarded with temporary artifacts through the bosses. Which is a major bonus!
If you enjoy grinding as whole, you will never be bored as you can hunt to your heart's content here. One of the bonuses of a game on the smaller population end is that you will generally be able to get to a good area to yourself outside of peak times. You can even go in there and hunt at peak times, but there will be a bit(1-3) of competition. Even then, some players have a Warhorn that they can blow and reset an area for you. Just ask.
RP in this game is largely what you make of it. And it will require you to take a lot of initiation and seek it. Are you looking to have small interactions with other players that build relationships and develop your character on a micro level? There are people here willing to RP with you.
Are you looking for epic stories that add to the history of Imperian where your character is part of it? Yes, those opportunities do present themselves as well. We have more active entities now that will pop up and RP with you and just chat with you in general. While I personally am not big into sect RP, I enjoy their presence in the world and have found that they have given a lot of other characters purpose and a bit of a jump start in new RP storylines.
The biggest factor in PvE and RP is really finding other people to do it with you. Being new, that can be a little hard, but the community here is very friendly when not engaging in PvP or being salty about anything PvP related.
If you put yourself out there and put an effort into your character's story and develop a personality, a lot of people will gravitate towards you. That has been my experience anyhow and it has worked for me, and I see new players who are active in forming friendships to be those who stick around and go further in the game.
You say, "My bottle is empty."
Jeremy raises an eyebrow questioningly.
Jeremy slaps you on the cheek.
You mentioned some of the bosses have mechanics to watch out for: I like encounters that are a little more than 'whack enemy, grab loot'. Quite some time ago, I played Achaea, and was proud of myself for learning to fight lycopods, plants that entangle and trip you during battle. Then I discovered most people use scripts and triggers to do that, and was mildly disappointed. Still proud though! I caught on to the special moves the critter did and coped with them long enough to kill it. Looking forward to finding more things like that in Imperian.
I would like to get my character into a position where she can affect larger things. I've only very rarely successfully gained city/guild rank in other IRE games (that was just one rank, I think), and I want to have the opportunity to work my way into that, to offer things to the IC community my character is a member of, as well as the game at large. I'm going to be looking into guilds and sects and other group-y kinds of things too, for what might fit my character.
One of the main reasons I gravitate toward RP games is that I pretty much can't play a game like this without having a character who has... character.
Looking forward to meeting more people in game and making some great stories through gameplay. Thank you again!
If you see an Entity about, you can initiate roleplay with them, but we aren't currently making use of RPT (and I've just disabled it).
For RP, no.
(Ring): Lartus says, "Then it exploded."
(Ring): Zsetsu says, "Everyone's playing checkers, but Theophilus is playing chess."
WTF? Why? I am wrong and very sad
There is an RP clan though which I think is primarily for discussing personal/player-plot direction and oocly explaining your IC activities in plain english. Though I suspect it is more used for posting links to cute cat pictures and random songs, such is the way of all ooc clans.
Eventually, they gain their own individuality, but their beginnings make them very different in personality than your traditional IRE god. I think the space provides for far more compelling characters, in a way.
Of course, that's without regarding the absolute toxicity surrounding them..
They exist to facilitate RP and we should be supportive of that.