Let's bring up champions again. Taking the champion status should be more meaningful and as such, carry greater bonuses, possibly ones that you can earn through doing championy type things. So, you opt in to be becoming a champion complete with confirm prompt and all that. Afterwards, you're now totally open PK at all times. If this were the case, it should be much harder to get out of being one anymore, so you can't just take it and drop it whenever you feel like it.
The problem right now is that anybody who would get the champion you're suggesting is already somebody who's practically open PK anyways.
"On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."
Full Champions are considered to be a valid target for any person in Imperian, at any time, for any reason. The usual PK rules apply to apprentice Champions.
Er, for the record, no one issued me or anything, and if they did, I'd be able to get excellent advice - better yet, I'd probably be able to make sure I didn't put myself in a bad situation. Mostly. But on that note, I get that some PK instances are going to be almost unavoidably messy in the way that Khizan and Iniar are describing, in that the instance may include at least one or two individuals who will be fine with a particular battle as long as the other side is dying horribly and repeatedly, but god forbid the tide turns even momentarily. And those people will issue. Badly. And it will probably get dismissed. Hopefully? But I am sure that someone who knows that they are in the right, and why they are in the right, and how to craft a good response, feels less shaky in those situations.
Also, I didn't think I was being oblique :P Yes, I absolutely have issues in mind as the main practical reason you'd want to understand the PK rules really well. Anyway, I am lucky. I have people to ask. But I am saying, if you're not surrounded by people who know all of this stuff backwards and forwards, it's intimidating. For example, I got my first ever issue some months back, basically because both I, and the person I killed (who was actively involved in a bunch of fights we were having), had incredibly poor situational awareness. He had then decided he didn't want to play anymore, but I was out of the room for part of his speech, and missed the snippet I was there for in spam. He, as it turned out, kept going to Caanae when leaving Dis (instead of his city), which is why he kept coming through our room... if I remember right. It was something very close to that. Or, he'd go to his city, then go the wrong way (into our room). And technically, we probably still could have just killed him anyway, but mostly I won't do it if someone says "I'm out", and a lot of other people won't, either. So anyway, I get the issue, and promptly panic. If I had had to deal with it on my own... who knows. It WAS a pretty spurious issue, but I doubt I would have crafted a very good response completely on my own. Would admin still have figured it out? I have no idea. Maybe there is nothing practical that can be done, but there really is a complexity to the ground truth of how PK rules are applied that is kind of scary (or should be) if you don't fully understand it.
- The people who are champion get the bonuses basically just for free. Septus, Ahkan, Khizan, Kryss are open pk? Well duh, they're jerks. Of course they're open pk. I basically have double xp just because why not most of the time.
- There is no penalty to being an apprentice. You can apprentice and just by process of good luck pick up champion in a team fight while not actually being at any risk yourself due to having that status; arguable if this is an issue, I personally dislike it.
- The system isn't really fluid enough. We basically see the same 3-6 people running around with champion, and the issue is compounded by the fact that when two of those people kill each other the pool further shrinks until one of them decides to bother bashing it back up again (the people who hold champion consistently aren't really bashing types).
So, I'm not a super fan of just increasing champion benefits. I think what will happen is that it'll just turn into more of a positive feedback loop, where the people who are already pretty much uncontested champions will get better bonuses and continue jumping on anyone who gets the status instantly. I think more depth would be awesome, but I think a few things would probably need to happen for it to be viable. An opt in system would probably be fun for the people already champion, but then you have to ask yourself from the standpoint of a non hardcore pker: do I really want to opt in to giving anyone free licence to attack me for 12 days? (random figure). The answer to that question for 90% of the population (and its a sensible one for most people) is hell no, they'll hunt me endlessly.
You could maybe tie it to killstreak in some way, and have it so that dying didn't strip champion, but stripped the killstreak. Then have the various bonuses scale up with the killstreak or something. Just random thoughts though, I haven't really thought about it much in terms of solutions.
What I would love, is some way to opt in when I am in the mood, for a relatively short period of time, and you do not have to give me ANY associated benefits. I literally just want the ability to say "I am bored, you could come jump me if you are bored too... for the time being".
@Jules you don't need a new system for that. There's already a command that does it. Let me show you.
“tell ahkan nope yo mother"
Aaaand done. Someone will be coming to jump you shortly
@Ailish, be careful, I got edited awhile back for a super mild curse word, but it's okay because it made me look like an Outlaw. I am edgy! But yeah - WE HAVE TO THINK OF THE CHILDREN.
H:637/637 M:479/480 B:0 <eb pp> <db> K:0 R:0 city skills jules You are ranked lower then that person and cannot see their skills.
**********************************[ Antioch ]********************************** Member Name City Rank Positions Profession ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Khizan Hamini Farah Berserker Jules Hamini Outrider
"On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."
Why on earth would you want that tracked over GMCP? GMCP should be for things that are updated with some level of frequency.
"On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."
@Aakrin, that info is also readily available via sect ritual list and sect faith and achievement stats (all of which can be used off bal/eq) which are pretty easy to parse.
I think it would be amazing and hilarious if, every so often, we had "circle mirror day", where each circle would get the professions from one of the other two circles, and for that whole day, you'd have to play those professions. To be perfectly honest, my main reason for doing this, is so that the average player gets a chance to experience the other circle's abilities from the driver's seat, and also, hopefully get a chance to be on the receiving end of their own abilities in real combat situations - whether individual or group. But, I think it would also be fun and epic and gloriously disastrous.
I think it would be amazing and hilarious if, every so often, we had "circle mirror day", where each circle would get the professions from one of the other two circles, and for that whole day, you'd have to play those professions. To be perfectly honest, my main reason for doing this, is so that the average player gets a chance to experience the other circle's abilities from the driver's seat, and also, hopefully get a chance to be on the receiving end of their own abilities in real combat situations - whether individual or group. But, I think it would also be fun and epic and gloriously disastrous.
There is a mirror artifact that allows you to grab the skills/profession of whoever you look at.
Message fixed (now notes you must be HIGHER THAN the target). It also takes minister/councilmember/cityleader into account now, adding some weight to players of those ranks for the purposes of inventory, score, and skills.
I like the idea of a kill streak deal with Champions. I have no idea what that means, but it sounds good. Champions are one of those things that have been sitting in the back of my head for... well years.
I like the idea of a kill streak deal with Champions. I have no idea what that means, but it sounds good. Champions are one of those things that have been sitting in the back of my head for... well years.
I like the idea of a kill streak deal with Champions. I have no idea what that means, but it sounds good. Champions are one of those things that have been sitting in the back of my head for... well years.
Septus make word good... You should totally do this thing he says. I don't know what it is either, but I'll take two.
Can the artifact gem thingie that lets you switch statpacks be changed to once an hour? The aspect perk could upgrade it to change every time you change class.
Can we make monolith rooms safe from shrines? Its entirely one sided, and allows people to apply bounties. People no longer want to come fight over monoliths because of shrines, and that's sad.
Champion should carry better bonuses, too, then.
The problem right now is that anybody who would get the champion you're suggesting is already somebody who's practically open PK anyways.
"On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."
My problems with the champion system:
- The people who are champion get the bonuses basically just for free. Septus, Ahkan, Khizan, Kryss are open pk? Well duh, they're jerks. Of course they're open pk. I basically have double xp just because why not most of the time.
- There is no penalty to being an apprentice. You can apprentice and just by process of good luck pick up champion in a team fight while not actually being at any risk yourself due to having that status; arguable if this is an issue, I personally dislike it.
- The system isn't really fluid enough. We basically see the same 3-6 people running around with champion, and the issue is compounded by the fact that when two of those people kill each other the pool further shrinks until one of them decides to bother bashing it back up again (the people who hold champion consistently aren't really bashing types).
So, I'm not a super fan of just increasing champion benefits. I think what will happen is that it'll just turn into more of a positive feedback loop, where the people who are already pretty much uncontested champions will get better bonuses and continue jumping on anyone who gets the status instantly. I think more depth would be awesome, but I think a few things would probably need to happen for it to be viable. An opt in system would probably be fun for the people already champion, but then you have to ask yourself from the standpoint of a non hardcore pker: do I really want to opt in to giving anyone free licence to attack me for 12 days? (random figure). The answer to that question for 90% of the population (and its a sensible one for most people) is hell no, they'll hunt me endlessly.
You could maybe tie it to killstreak in some way, and have it so that dying didn't strip champion, but stripped the killstreak. Then have the various bonuses scale up with the killstreak or something. Just random thoughts though, I haven't really thought about it much in terms of solutions.
You are ranked lower then that person and cannot see their skills.
**********************************[ Antioch ]**********************************

Member Name City Rank Positions Profession
Khizan Hamini Farah Berserker
Jules Hamini Outrider
"On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."
"On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."
Bugs/typos should go through those queues!