I've specifically said that this is not the thread for this discussion. I also closed the other thread. Take the hint. I've deleted the posts. The next step will be to start handing out punishments, which I'd rather not do.
Uncap assassin job rewards and let the filer decide how much it's worth to them. You could possibly contain it within a range like the currently generated value -> 2x that? Then randomize or decide how game-generated contracts pick within that value. Additional filings add on to the amount.
Add the thin men as a house servant.
Achievements for fulfilling contracts and being the target of a contract (probably tracked by amount rewarded).
Regarding the new earrings, maybe you could make it so you had to activate them upon entering the realm. Some people (like me) test combos on friends live (outside the arena)... and when I *accidentally* kill them, it really really sucks that it wastes my quartz for 24 hours. >:(
Or you could make the CD of quartz 24 min. again. That was nice.
I was thinking of posting this in the new artifact wishlist, but I rather it be lumped in with some trade skill. Not sure which one would be appropriate at the moment, since these items wouldn't fit well with any of them. I also can't remember where, but a player did suggest we have a trade skill that allowed making make up, etc, which I think would be best for the items above. If not a tradeskill, then it could be something with customize through config? Or customize like how we do our description.
We already have perfumes/soaps in the game, but I smell like every other guy and want my man musk to be different, thx.
If this was an artifact or token item, it wouldn't be affordable to newbies or those who aren't invested and this is one of those things that are similar to a description, which I don't think players should have to pay for.
Custom voice/accents
Achaea has an option to customize your voice or accent. Also doesn't cost anything to the players in terms of credits, etc. It's just an option and an extension of your description. I won't copy and paste their help file on it, since I'm sure you guys can look it up.
You say, "Oh crap." You say, "My bottle is empty." Jeremy raises an eyebrow questioningly. Jeremy slaps you on the cheek.
So, the custom voice stuff kind of exists right now:
You are able to customise the message before "you say". To do so, the first words after your
chosen method of speech must be wraped in parantheses. The message will automatically strip it
out before speaking and allow you to customise the way you communicate to your room.
SYNTAX: SAY () [to ]
EXAMPLE: mutter (With an annoyed look) I hate you, Garryn
With an annoyed look, you mutter, "I hat. you, ....yn."
With an annoyed look, Vashir mutters, "I hat. you, ....yn."
Maybe you could make such an option basically create a default parenthetical to the say that gets overridden if you go SAY (something) ?
So, the custom voice stuff kind of exists right now:
You are able to customise the message before "you say". To do so, the first words after your
chosen method of speech must be wraped in parantheses. The message will automatically strip it
out before speaking and allow you to customise the way you communicate to your room.
SYNTAX: SAY () [to ]
EXAMPLE: mutter (With an annoyed look) I hate you, Garryn
With an annoyed look, you mutter, "I hat. you, ....yn."
With an annoyed look, Vashir mutters, "I hat. you, ....yn."
Maybe you could make such an option basically create a default parenthetical to the say that gets overridden if you go SAY (something) ?
Well, I be a monkey's uncle. I could just make an alias for that that would work too. Thanks a lot for pointing that out. I had no idea!
You say, "Oh crap." You say, "My bottle is empty." Jeremy raises an eyebrow questioningly. Jeremy slaps you on the cheek.
So, the custom voice stuff kind of exists right now:
You are able to customise the message before "you say". To do so, the first words after your
chosen method of speech must be wraped in parantheses. The message will automatically strip it
out before speaking and allow you to customise the way you communicate to your room.
SYNTAX: SAY () [to ]
EXAMPLE: mutter (With an annoyed look) I hate you, Garryn
With an annoyed look, you mutter, "I hat. you, ....yn."
With an annoyed look, Vashir mutters, "I hat. you, ....yn."
Maybe you could make such an option basically create a default parenthetical to the say that gets overridden if you go SAY (something) ?
Well, I be a monkey's uncle. I could just make an alias for that that would work too. Thanks a lot for pointing that out. I had no idea!
I wonder how hard it would be to make something like CONFIG ACCENT make a default parenthetical say? @eoghan ?
I think I'll IDEA it in game.
"Thank you. Your idea has been submitted in report #62820."
For the owners, too, when they forget to ^ or use a wrong color word
Tradeskill Economy Revamp (refinedish version of what I mentioned in Shopkeeping: 1 - Require a 'crafting room' to mechanically encourage congregation of players. Not sure if it should be one per tradeskill or one megaroom. 2 - Modify crafting times to scale with total design cost, the rank of the pattern in the tradeskill, and the material complexity. It should track completion and let you start/stop to go handle things, but it should be a somewhat lengthy process to finish an item. Maybe an average of 10m? 3 - Create a quest hub at the crafting room for trade skill quests. Gives xp/gold that should be comparable to hunting. Quests can have requirements like item type, included words, included materials, pricing, etc. Quest chains could give rewards for fulfilling a variety of orders, promoting expanding into other tradeskills or doing a variety of crafting within the same skill. 4 - Add a house/guild add-on for crafting rooms. These are okay as secondary social hub spots. 5- Remove the automatic creation of tradeskill items via crafter shelves.
Effectively, this turns crafting into a modified 'cookie clicker' type of game with the addition of writing and roleplay. Supplies of trade items will go down, some comms will get eaten, demand for quality crafted items will go up.
E: I'd probably bother learning a trade skill with these changes. As it stands, no reason not to go through an existing crafter instead of dropping 250c for the license/lessons.
I love you, dude, but I am so not down for 10 minute crafting times or the removal of crafter shelf automatic creation. Those are not -enjoyable- improvements. We had something like that for bardic crafting and it sucked. It's not fun to stand around for 10 minutes crafting stuff. I don't think we have a large enough playerbase currently for this to be a way to encourage RP either (and more than likely, people would just stand around idle and let their system do the thinking).
I do dig the idea of hunting up items, and I think that could work to give the quester/hunter types a marketable skill for lazy crafters who don't want to hunt down items.
I'd rather see crafted items have more mechanical relevance, but since nearly every small boost ends up an artifact, I don't see it happening.
1 - Require a 'crafting room' to mechanically encourage congregation of players. Not sure if it should be one per tradeskill or one megaroom.
I'd probably want a refund for my craft skills if this ever became a thing, not that I'd ever receive one. This would make crafting even more onerous than it already is - anyone whose had to fight with the approval queue knows exactly what I mean.
And moreover, as @krysaliss points out, this would most likely only result in having a bunch of people idling in the same room.
I love you, dude, but I am so not down for 10 minute crafting times or the removal of crafter shelf automatic creation. Those are not -enjoyable- improvements. We had something like that for bardic crafting and it sucked. It's not fun to stand around for 10 minutes crafting stuff. I don't think we have a large enough playerbase currently for this to be a way to encourage RP either (and more than likely, people would just stand around idle and let their system do the thinking).
I do dig the idea of hunting up items, and I think that could work to give the quester/hunter types a marketable skill for lazy crafters who don't want to hunt down items.
I'd rather see crafted items have more mechanical relevance, but since nearly every small boost ends up an artifact, I don't see it happening.
10 minutes to craft an item. No thanks.
You say, "Oh crap." You say, "My bottle is empty." Jeremy raises an eyebrow questioningly. Jeremy slaps you on the cheek.
A suggestion to help with switching professions and statpacks.
Basically you have your current statpack, known as Original Statpack. For 100 credits you can purchase a set statpack for a profession. So when you change to that profession it automatically changes you to that statpack. Leaving that profession to another brings you back to Original Statpack or if the profession you switch to next has a set statpack purchased it will go to that statpack.
This would minimalize the cost of switching professions, such that it would not be as big as a pill to swallow as the 1000cr gem. The gem would still be worth it for switching races or if you have a lot of professions you wish to switch to. You would then change the PROFESSIONS command to display the set/original statpack for each profession purchased. For example:
Original Statpack: Athletic
Berserker: Original Statpack Hunter: Original Statpack Shaman: Set Statpack - Clever Assassin: Original Statpack Deathknight: Original Statpack Defiler: Original Statpack Diabolist: Original Statpack Summoner: Set Statpack - Intelligent
That cost would then be 200cr allowing me to pick up and play more professions I want to play that might not be the same stats priority.
IDEA'd it, but - please allow us to edit 'xhelp index' files so we can suppress less vital help files and clean up the base org index. This would make it easier for new players to find the key files and allow us to do more with the help file system.
Aetolia currently does this and it's lovely and I want us to steal it.
House management has been firmly declared off the table, but can we add management to house add-ons like the library and barkeep? This is a pretty steep investment we are putting into a credit-acquired house which functions as an avenue to develop RP that is a pain in the rear to develop/manage.
Shops also have a significant investment and possibly more potential for drama and those have managers. :<
Please PLEASE let me refer to all of the opal/pebble/chunk boss drop items as 'soulstone' oh my god please it's ruining me please i can't anymore with these things
You say, "This is much harder than just being a normal person."
We removed the 'soulstone' alias from those items because players kept accidentally using the wrong one. You can't have it both ways! (I think we're going to leave it off, sorry)
I was under the impression that you could use two different types of earrings even if you stack them, but apparently if you stack them then that counts as your two. I think we should be limited to two types of earrings that can each be stacked instead of two earrings total.
(Ring): Lartus says, "I heard Theophilus once threw a grenade and killed ten people." (Ring): Lartus says, "Then it exploded."
(Ring): Zsetsu says, "Everyone's playing checkers, but Theophilus is playing chess."
I'm not entirely sure what you mean (stacked vs linked). The intention has always been that you can wear two earrings yourself, and be linked to one person. This gives you the choice of stacking two of the same kind, or having two different kinds worn. You can then get additional effects from linking to one person.
Really pleased to see someone out there picking up a fair few of my old ideas.
One thing I'd like to see is the commands made a little more consistent in terms of formatting? Like artifact/token/promo commands are kind of all over the place in this regard. I have some ideas that were in this batch as for unifying them, but it would help.
As an example of what I mean, see value of an artifact, I go:
idea It would be nice if the earrings had in parenthesis beside their short name a key for what they do. Like for topaz we see "a topaz earring (+eq/-bal)".
(Ring): Lartus says, "I heard Theophilus once threw a grenade and killed ten people." (Ring): Lartus says, "Then it exploded."
(Ring): Zsetsu says, "Everyone's playing checkers, but Theophilus is playing chess."
Add the thin men as a house servant.
Achievements for fulfilling contracts and being the target of a contract (probably tracked by amount rewarded).
Or you could make the CD of quartz 24 min. again.
I was thinking of posting this in the new artifact wishlist, but I rather it be lumped in with some trade skill. Not sure which one would be appropriate at the moment, since these items wouldn't fit well with any of them. I also can't remember where, but a player did suggest we have a trade skill that allowed making make up, etc, which I think would be best for the items above. If not a tradeskill, then it could be something with customize through config? Or customize like how we do our description.
We already have perfumes/soaps in the game, but I smell like every other guy and want my man musk to be different, thx.
If this was an artifact or token item, it wouldn't be affordable to newbies or those who aren't invested and this is one of those things that are similar to a description, which I don't think players should have to pay for.
Custom voice/accents
Achaea has an option to customize your voice or accent. Also doesn't cost anything to the players in terms of credits, etc. It's just an option and an extension of your description. I won't copy and paste their help file on it, since I'm sure you guys can look it up.
You say, "My bottle is empty."
Jeremy raises an eyebrow questioningly.
Jeremy slaps you on the cheek.
So, the custom voice stuff kind of exists right now:
Maybe you could make such an option basically create a default parenthetical to the say that gets overridden if you go SAY (something) ?
Well, I be a monkey's uncle. I could just make an alias for that that would work too. Thanks a lot for pointing that out. I had no idea!
You say, "My bottle is empty."
Jeremy raises an eyebrow questioningly.
Jeremy slaps you on the cheek.
I think I'll IDEA it in game.
"Thank you. Your idea has been submitted in report #62820."
(Ring): Lartus says, "Then it exploded."
(Ring): Zsetsu says, "Everyone's playing checkers, but Theophilus is playing chess."
Tradeskill Economy Revamp (refinedish version of what I mentioned in Shopkeeping:
1 - Require a 'crafting room' to mechanically encourage congregation of players. Not sure if it should be one per tradeskill or one megaroom.
2 - Modify crafting times to scale with total design cost, the rank of the pattern in the tradeskill, and the material complexity. It should track completion and let you start/stop to go handle things, but it should be a somewhat lengthy process to finish an item. Maybe an average of 10m?
3 - Create a quest hub at the crafting room for trade skill quests. Gives xp/gold that should be comparable to hunting. Quests can have requirements like item type, included words, included materials, pricing, etc. Quest chains could give rewards for fulfilling a variety of orders, promoting expanding into other tradeskills or doing a variety of crafting within the same skill.
4 - Add a house/guild add-on for crafting rooms. These are okay as secondary social hub spots.
5- Remove the automatic creation of tradeskill items via crafter shelves.
Effectively, this turns crafting into a modified 'cookie clicker' type of game with the addition of writing and roleplay. Supplies of trade items will go down, some comms will get eaten, demand for quality crafted items will go up.
E: I'd probably bother learning a trade skill with these changes. As it stands, no reason not to go through an existing crafter instead of dropping 250c for the license/lessons.
I do dig the idea of hunting up items, and I think that could work to give the quester/hunter types a marketable skill for lazy crafters who don't want to hunt down items.
I'd rather see crafted items have more mechanical relevance, but since nearly every small boost ends up an artifact, I don't see it happening.
And moreover, as @krysaliss points out, this would most likely only result in having a bunch of people idling in the same room.
You say, "My bottle is empty."
Jeremy raises an eyebrow questioningly.
Jeremy slaps you on the cheek.
This would minimalize the cost of switching professions, such that it would not be as big as a pill to swallow as the 1000cr gem. The gem would still be worth it for switching races or if you have a lot of professions you wish to switch to. You would then change the PROFESSIONS command to display the set/original statpack for each profession purchased. For example:
Original Statpack: Athletic
Berserker: Original Statpack
Hunter: Original Statpack
Shaman: Set Statpack - Clever
Assassin: Original Statpack
Deathknight: Original Statpack
Defiler: Original Statpack
Diabolist: Original Statpack
Summoner: Set Statpack - Intelligent
That cost would then be 200cr allowing me to pick up and play more professions I want to play that might not be the same stats priority.
Aetolia currently does this and it's lovely and I want us to steal it.
Shops also have a significant investment and possibly more potential for drama and those have managers. :<
(Ring): Lartus says, "Then it exploded."
(Ring): Zsetsu says, "Everyone's playing checkers, but Theophilus is playing chess."
(Ring): Lartus says, "Then it exploded."
(Ring): Zsetsu says, "Everyone's playing checkers, but Theophilus is playing chess."
(Ring): Lartus says, "Then it exploded."
(Ring): Zsetsu says, "Everyone's playing checkers, but Theophilus is playing chess."
(Ring): Lartus says, "Then it exploded."
(Ring): Zsetsu says, "Everyone's playing checkers, but Theophilus is playing chess."
That request is also outside the scope of this thread.
One thing I'd like to see is the commands made a little more consistent in terms of formatting? Like artifact/token/promo commands are kind of all over the place in this regard. I have some ideas that were in this batch as for unifying them, but it would help.
As an example of what I mean, see value of an artifact, I go:
ARTIFACT [replicaid] VALUE
but if it's a promo artifact it's
PROMO TRADEIN [replicaid]
So the format and commands are different.
(Ring): Lartus says, "Then it exploded."
(Ring): Zsetsu says, "Everyone's playing checkers, but Theophilus is playing chess."