Yay retirement credits!
So, thanks to retirement, I've got a wee bit over seven thousand credits hanging about me that I want to dump into imperian. That being said, since Lusternia Artifacts don't really translate well over here, and I adore pvp, what would some good investments on my part be?
At the moment, I'm an intelligent snakeman summoner, tritrans, and figure I'll be transing the various mini skills along with likely survival, perception, evasion and tattoos. Are there any other skills that are handy in combat?
My recommendation for summoner (and most classes) would be to invest in defense before offense, especially since the summoner kit is very workable if you can survive long enough to work with. Good early investments would be surcoat, constitution belt, artifact shield (since intelligent leaves you with only a buckler sans truefavour). Bracelets are great, but if you're keen on bashing, 100k kills will get you free level 1 bracelets that you can upgrade further. If you're really looking to drop a hefty sum (1500), acrobatic boots will give you a lot of extra mobility and therefore survivability in fights.
A diadem is a great investment across the board since it'll improve summoner in pretty much every way, and will translate well to a few other demonic professions if you decide to branch out in that fashion. From there, offensively, a collar (bonus 10/15/20% damage) and sash (bonus intelligence) are great for getting more bang for your buck from your attacks. There's a summoner-specific artifact that will give you a sixth possession slot, which can be very useful for stacking up defenses.
Feel free to ask around in-game since there are plenty of people well-accustomed to summoner. It's a fun profession with a lot of little intricacies that can be rewarding to delve into, but also functions very well from just the basics.
The only thing I'd change about Wysrias' advice is that I consider the Diadem of the Quickening to be the gold standard for Summoner artifacts and I would recommend it over tanking artifacts, honestly. It's a massive massive quality of life improvement and an effective 15% DPS increase. Summoner is sufficiently tanky that you can afford to do this.
There's a temporary 'welfare diadem' you can get from a boss if you can get people to help you kill the boss(100% drop rate if the boss is up), but those are in limited numbers and they're not always available so it's not good to rely on it. It's a good way to test it out, though.
"On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."
Wytch gets access to a lot of choices for buffs, and you can further that with constitution belt, intelligence sash, collar for your damage. The wytch specific artifacts are great but you won't really need them (or be able to make much use of them) until you really dive into the class and figure out your offense.