So, Pathfinder is a Pencil & Paper type RPG system, like Dungeons & Dragons, for those who are not aware. I would like to gauge interest in who would be interested in attempting to play a campaign of it online. There are tools to host games like this now, and I have been thinking about giving it a shot lately. looks particularly promising, as everything is free for the GM and Players alike. I have never GM'd a game, and would rather be a player. However, I am willing to give it a good try if that's what is necessary to get this rolling(heh).
Here's a link to a really good Pathfinder wiki, if anyone wants to read about it:
Thanks for reading!
These days I enjoy things at 60fps so much I'm afraid to go back to dated methods of gaming, like MUDs, tabletop, or consoles.
Cue me leading the expedition onward as normal, and working it out with the GM to have us all, myself first and foremost, fed to a hungry deity of sorts (nothing like the spirit of brotherhood). Jolly old cannibalism and insanity and demon worshipping, all the best parts of that game. I did my best (as did the GM) to foreshadow what had happened to my character, but the one other PC only realized what was going on just a bit too late!