November 2014 Update
One day early! How about that for a surprise!
RP Events
We have a solid group of people that have been slaving on the RP events, led by Svorai. The recent Living Mountain event was 100% planned and created by these people and was very appreciated. Narakis helped quite a bit as well, and also one of our 'not yet visible' volunteers.
We are currently planning and working on two major events. Of course, I cannot say more then that.
Events are high on the priority list and we will continue to have something going as much as possible.
Obviously comms were a big release for us in October and Garryn will continue with bug fixes and tweaks for that. If you have questions, concerns, or problems you can post them in this thread on the forums.
Shrines and Relics
This is our next big release. Shrines are coded but will probably be tweaked some more before release. Relics have a large number of their powers coded. Once the relics are done being coded we will start setting up how they are aquired. Most will probably be gained via killing some boss mobs. The stronger the mob, the better the relic that will be dropped.
I am not going to explain them in great depth here, but you can get more information in this thread:
We followed the basic outline as is posted there. We came up with a few more powers of our own and from some of the suggestions in the thread.
Santums are no longer going to be attached to shrines, but once shrines are relics are out we will look into doing those, unless something is deemed more important.
Client Work
This is not Imperian specific, but since Garryn is working on it, I will post the info here. Garryn is slaving on the client reskin. Our power users probably use cmud and mudlet more, but the reskin will be very nice for those using the browser. I am going to try to release the art as well, so those of you that are interested can make a nice mudlet skin for it. Once the client reskin is done, Garryn will be working on an exciting project for your entertainment.
Very soon you will be able to set foreground and background colors to 256 different colors (if your client supports it). Probably before the end of the month. Here is a sample showing backgrounds.

That said, the client is actually ridiculously lovely for newbs. Most of the important stuff is already set up. They have a chat cap, map on screen, basic buttons populated with the most likely necessary items on it, experience/level, health/mana, time, gold trackers set up. They have an attack alias already set up, attached to F1 and put on a handy button. Tab cycles through targets in the room.
Setting up additional basic triggers, aliases, highlights, and the like is very, very intuitive. When you go into the system editor, it pretty much walks you through the process. Anything that requires more complex variable checks or temporary triggers or the like requires an understanding of basic java. That's really beyond what a new user needs right away, for the most part. I dig it, haven't bothered to build anything in cmud or mudlet because it's so far worked well for everything I've tried to do.
Edit - What I would -really- like is like... a handy spreadsheet of all the info GMCP event sends. Like might include room.players,, room.vnum, etc. I've looked and can't find it all in one organized place.
Danke, Iniar.
The Behavior token comes with a 250cr purchase and every 500cr thereafter. This is a fairly significant investment.
With that in mind, I'd really like it if I had more than a one-word name to go by when I throw my token down on a set. Could we pleeaaaaase get some kind of list of messages somewhere?
"On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."
"On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."
"On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."
First person message:
Sarrius begins to bleed from the eyes as you give him the [curse] curse.
Second person message:
Your eyes begin to bleed when Raziya points at you.
Third person message :
Raziya points at Sarrius, and his eyes begin to bleed.
Suggested change:
First person message:
Sarrius becomes covered in crimson rivulets as he bleeds from every pore, overwhelmed from the [curse] curse.
Second person message:
You feel blood seeping from every pore when Raziya points at you.
Third person message:
Raziya points at Sarrius, and his flesh becomes stained in crimson as he bleeds from every pore.