Because it wasn't super clear exactly how they worked, and it's been clarified some, this post will explain how Cairns work a bit. Feel free to reply with general discussion about Cairns.
Cairn stones cost 1 token. There's really no reason to buy any kind other than than Crimson, unless you just want to harvest it sooner or you're low level. You can only gain a max of one OVERALL LEVEL from each cairn you place (but can gain multiple quest levels), so that might change which you place (but probably not). The Cairn stones turn into Cairns when the owner BUILDs CAIRN. Only one can exist per room, and they can be placed in any room.
Once a Cairn is placed, each person can interact with it once per RL hour, when the IG day ticks over. Interactions are either SANCTIFY or DEFILE CAIRN.
The helpfile initially read like defiling was what everyone should do all the time. Turns out, this isn't actually the case.
Both Sanctifying and Defiling Cairns generate XP for the person taking the action (the Sanctifier) and charge the Cairn.
Sanctifying charges the Cairn "substantially more" than Defiling, and DOES NOT open the Sanctifier up to PK.
Defiling charges the Cairn a lot less than Defiling, but is worth MORE XP to the Sanctifier. Defiling DOES open the Sanctifier up to PK from the owner of the cairn, or anyone he happens to pass the PK rights off to.
Sanctifying is better for the Cairn but not as good for the Sanctifier.
Defiling is better for the Sanctifier, but doesn't charge the Cairn much.
Got it?
You can sanctify/defile ANY NUMBER of cairns per hour, but can only sanctify/defile each once. Any number, once each.
Cairn stones cost 1 token. There's really no reason to buy any kind other than than Crimson, unless you just want to harvest it sooner or you're low level. You can only gain a max of one OVERALL LEVEL from each cairn you place (but can gain multiple quest levels), so that might change which you place (but probably not). The Cairn stones turn into Cairns when the owner BUILDs CAIRN. Only one can exist per room, and they can be placed in any room.
Once a Cairn is placed, each person can interact with it once per RL hour, when the IG day ticks over. Interactions are either SANCTIFY or DEFILE CAIRN.
The helpfile initially read like defiling was what everyone should do all the time. Turns out, this isn't actually the case.
Both Sanctifying and Defiling Cairns generate XP for the person taking the action (the Sanctifier) and charge the Cairn.
Sanctifying charges the Cairn "substantially more" than Defiling, and DOES NOT open the Sanctifier up to PK.
Defiling charges the Cairn a lot less than Defiling, but is worth MORE XP to the Sanctifier. Defiling DOES open the Sanctifier up to PK from the owner of the cairn, or anyone he happens to pass the PK rights off to.
Sanctifying is better for the Cairn but not as good for the Sanctifier.
Defiling is better for the Sanctifier, but doesn't charge the Cairn much.
Got it?
You can sanctify/defile ANY NUMBER of cairns per hour, but can only sanctify/defile each once. Any number, once each.
I am the righteous one...
the claims are stated - it's the world I've created
the claims are stated - it's the world I've created
Lionas's Cairn at Aryana's Spring, 8463
Ahkan's Cairn at Nearing a ruined square 8477
Iluv's Cairn at Rotten foundations of an inn 8530
Ozreas's Cairn at The empty western square, 8465
Septus's Cairn at The empty northern square, 8472
the claims are stated - it's the world I've created
startcairns (number) will let you start from that position in your list.
(This is all Faz's fault.)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<class name="Cairns" copy="yes">
<var name="cairn_list" type="Record" copy="yes">
<trigger priority="111460" regex="true" copy="yes">
<pattern>^You have reached your destination\.$</pattern>
<value>#local $n
#if @cairns.check {sanctify cairn
#say %ansi(15)Sanctifying Cairn @cairns.current of $n
#if @cairns.current>$n {cairns.check=0
<var name="cairns" type="Record" copy="yes">
<alias name="startcairns" copy="yes">
#if %1 {cairns.current=%1} {cairns.current=1}
#local $n
path find @cairn_list.$n\\queue eqbal path go</value>
<trigger priority="111490" regex="true" copy="yes">
<pattern>^You kneel before (?:a|an) \a+ cairn, utter a quiet prayer, and your soul feels invigorated\.$</pattern>
<value>#local $n
#if @cairns.check {
~path find @cairn_list.$n\\queue eqbal path go
<trigger priority="111500" regex="true" copy="yes">
<pattern>^You have already sanctified or defiled this cairn today\.$</pattern>
<value>#local $n
#if @cairns.check {
~path find @cairn_list.$n\\queue eqbal path go
<trigger priority="111510" regex="true" copy="yes">
<pattern>^You do not see a cairn in this room\.$</pattern>
<value>#local $n
#if @cairns.check {
#additem @cairn_list_remove {@{cairn_list.@cairns.current}}
~path find @cairn_list.$n\\queue eqbal path go
<var name="cairn_list_remove" copy="yes"/>
<trigger priority="111570" regex="true" copy="yes">
<pattern>^You cannot find a new path so soon\.$</pattern>
<value>#local $n
#if @cairns.check {
#say %ansi(15)Trying again in three seconds.
#alarm cairns +3 {~path find @cairn_list.$n\\queue eqbal path go}
I love cairns.
I've gained 18 quest levels today!
"On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."
Ahkan tells you, "I use the shit out of startcairns."
It's cause I'm the best.
plebeslowbies. In that way, they do benefit high levels, just more long term.the claims are stated - it's the world I've created
#alias addcairn {#if (%1) {#addkey cairn_list (%numkeys(@cairn_list)+1) %1}}
Listing current queue:
#alias showcairns {#echo %cr;#loop %numkeys(@cairn_list) {#echo %i @cairn_list.%i}}
Remove item by key (the number shown on the left in showcairns)
#alias removecairn {#local $bubbleindex
$bubbleindex = (%numkeys(@cairn_list) - %1 + 1)
#WHILE ($bubbleindex <= %numkeys(@cairn_list)) {
#addkey cairn_list $bubbleindex %db(@cairn_list, ($bubbleindex+1))
$bubbleindex = $bubbleindex + 1
#delkey cairn_list %numkeys(@cairn_list)}
the claims are stated - it's the world I've created
the claims are stated - it's the world I've created
the claims are stated - it's the world I've created
Buses themselves are efficient as hell. Even well funded cities milk that for all it's worth (to save money).
After razing, my xp was at this point:
Overall Level: 109 72.78%
Quest Level : 91 (26%)
the claims are stated - it's the world I've created
the claims are stated - it's the world I've created
EDIT: At least, that's how he explained it to me
the claims are stated - it's the world I've created
"On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."
Not even close to worth 32cr unless you've got an incredibly terrible level disparity like I do. Terrible value for your money, will not buy again.
"On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."
It was worth it to me just as a lazy way to get up from quest level zero and a whopping 2 mana reserves.
Questing in this game blows.
"On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."
If you're really going to commit to my idea of "portal coin scenarios" I see some crossover here. You can use cairns to generate the energy to access the portal scenario areas. You have to initially build your cairn with a token investment. You can then 'buy portal coins' to add on scenarios to your cairn, granting you access to them. You can do them as teams, but everyone in the team needs access to the scenario. After this, you add some kind of derpy upkeep cost to your cairn and allow it to generate 5% of the xp it currently granted. You make up the rest of the quest xp you lost in the original system by designing scenario based quests. It's more of a long term, p2p perk that keeps on giving that's not too dissimilar from your daily/weekly/monthly quests in WoW.
This is where I think the system can get cool. These cairns generate more energy and more xp. They also generate another resource that you will use to repair your cairn and attack other cairns. The problem is that they can be destroyed by other players. They can't destroy your credit investment, but they can keep making you re-invest comms.
Basic rules:
Ideas you could work in:
-More than one pk cairn that generate 'energy' based on how far apart they are (See: Haze generation in shadowbinding) Strategic placement of cairns. Strategic attack/defense. (also makes us spend more money)