[Mudlet] S&M System Addons
Pre-note: Sorry for multiple threads. Seeing as this is going to be for addons for the system only I thought it'd be nice for them to get their own, rather than getting lost in the system's thread. Every addon mentioned will be posted in the System Addons Folder of Starlight's google drive.
None of these are required for Starlight to work. Though they all require Starlight themselves, to work. They do not function as standalone scripts.
First up is the GUI, I suppose! Here is what it looks like.
The chat functions purely off of GMCP, not setup necessary for it. I will put a warning that the UI isn't tested on anything other than 1600*900.
Another warning is that it does change how Mudlet itself looks. So if you're not happy with that, delete the 'Change Mudlet's Appearance' script that is in the folder, then restart mudlet.