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  • Shou and Tikal are also very knowledgeable on old quests, so you might try reaching out to them if you have a specific quest or qhonour that is bugging you.

    Pro-tip: You can pay Tikal for her time in the form of bad jokes.
    in Clueless Comment by Dicene November 2016
  • I don't think it's really intended for damage. I used mine for checking the area for veiled people and checking caravans to see who was prism tanking.
    in Clueless Comment by Dicene November 2016
  • That piety looks like 99.99% proc rate to me. Accurate portrayal.
  • If anyone was curious, it looks like a new build of Mudlet is almost up which should have all the Windows sound problems fixed(since it's moving to a more recent version of QT). Yay!
  • There were several points made in the Beta threads that seemed valid to me but never really got acknowledged. Not sure if y'all purge those posts entirely or just hide them, but you could look back through those. Many of the people who took part in …
  • I've got an updated one that has a fully clicky menu that pops into its own box, rather than being printed to the scrollback. I'll put it up here later today if I can remember.
  • (Quote) If you're "hanging with the best" in Imperian with a manual offense, you are extremely well artifacted, or the class you are using is insanely poorly balanced(see: bal-knock spamming pre-nerf druid).
  • Copy/paste/copy from something completely plaintext like Notepad OR type it out character for character rather than copy/pasting it at all, delete trigger, save profile, restart Mudlet, add new trigger with different name, have the first line of the…
  • (Quote) Still better than "tripping hard."
    in I HEART Comment by Dicene October 2016
  • The binaries on their site are unfortunately like, 9.5 years old. I could compile straight from the dev tree source for Windows if people would like the latest possible release, although there could be bugs(probably no more than 3.0 delta).
  • (Decided this was more of a second post than an edit...)

    Another thing that I've really enjoyed in two other IRE games is having mobs that are just outright more difficult. I don't mean just turning up health/damage knobs, I mean having a…
  • I'll reiterate something I brought up a while back(I think someone acknowledged it would happen eventually, but pretty much just waved it off for the immediate future). Imperian would really, really benefit from having satisfying feeling daily quest…
  • Would love to see your artistic rendition of Yasyolon. Also, Caelya's lizard mascara really makes her eyes pop in that one.

    For reference, Yasyolon description:
    Yasyolon appears to have once been a gigantic squid or o…
  • (Quote) RIP not cyclops plague that I was hoping to birth into the world. =(

    Edit: On top of the numerous complaints that have been leveled against this system, per HELP BONEYARDS: "This can only be done once per ho…
  • Well in a 1v1, you usually can't just pop out of the room to wedge unless the person you're fighting is making no effort to hold you, or you have flippers. I'm standing on Piety or have been hit with Lockup in 95% of the fights I'm in. I have up Gra…
    in Owned Comment by Dicene June 2016
  • Wedge hits things that enter the room, not exit?
    in Owned Comment by Dicene June 2016
  • How about another small round of titles? I would adore a Vacuous title. My homeboy Rom, the Vacuous Spider is just the cutest:

  • There are two skills named SCAN in Nightfall.
  • Not really sure why it's not a thing already, but there should be a way to view your autocuring queue.
  • Easiest way I can think of to find a player name in look is to look at every single capitalized word in a position that could be a player name and compare it to your entire list of player names. It's terrible. All I've got set up right now is to jus…
  • (Quote) Or at least a keyword to enable you to set them all at the same time. Would be more convenient for a lot of people that way.