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  • Is there a reason killing someone in a short timespan doesn't count towards your KILLS stats? Call me petty about my stats (I am petty) but killing a person in a shardfall four times and only dying once when its just us and the person keeps coming b…
    in Clueless Comment by Asmund June 2019
  • (Quote)

    I mean, the conflict in game and OOCly has made this forum boom in the last week or so. otherwise I wouldn't have logged in to see it all, because there wasn't a point to before.

    Point: the forums were dead, now we are seeing…

    in I HEART Comment by Asmund May 2019
  • (Quote)
    I heart the team work that happens. Ryse you are especially one of the few I can rely on to roll out with me to pk, and I heart that.
    in I HEART Comment by Asmund May 2019
  • being an outrider lover I'm drooling at the thought of a blood freeze from that bleed. xD (assuming you could get it in before the tick)
    in Clueless Comment by Asmund December 2018
  • It just looks to me like AM needs some DPS love for group combat :(

    (note: I'm just kidding, it looks more like AM participa…
  • I would like to give a shout-out to everyone in the past week that has participated in the PvP going on. Much love for the renewed interest, especially in younger ones. 
  • (Quote) Didn't realize the in game slurred speech had it down so good. just missing the *hic* and stuff.
    in I HEART Comment by Asmund September 2018
  • all of the above plus flipboots. pretty much any artifact that gives something that is exclusive to a class to all the classes should, in general, be a no no.
  • (Quote) At the time that Sarrius posted this, AM(Ithaqua mostly) and demonic(mostly Tywin and Aodan((me)) were the driving fighters, with Kabaal though he was usually busy) were working together to fight Kinsarmar. Not to say that there weren…