I heart all of demonic for sacrificing the bulk of their day in the conquest of the egg, and for not giving up despite buggy implementations, poor odds and battle fatigue (I have been logged in for l… (View Post)8 -
Re: Owned
You order a ravenous hound to attack Pellerin. A ravenous hound obeys your command. You drew a shining longsword and a war-battered Aesirian shield. You pick ciguatoxin. You slashed Pellerin's torso … (View Post)5 -
Re: Improving Imperian Combat
If anyone in magick wants to come fight, and then talk about those fight logs afterwards with a critical eye, I'm more than happy to give whatever insight I can. The key phrase is come fight. There's… (View Post)1 -
Re: Mage: Please change
Every problem you described there is no different than it is for any other profession. Mage is not 'horribly broken', and your interpretation that it is may help highlight the dangers of an echo cham… (View Post)2 -
Re: [split] Circle Switching Costs
Not to be impatient (I am clearly being impatient), but any chance of an update here? (View Post)3