I guess what @Jules is saying is that Imperian is much more collegial than other IRE games. (View Post)1 -
Re: What do you play outside of Imperian?
Bring them over. But @Ultrix will vet them first! (View Post)1 -
Re: Split Discussion: Improving Imperian - Theft
I think for me it depends who dropped the gold :3 if say, @Jules dropped it, I ain't returning it :O :P <3 (View Post)1 -
Re: Mudlet Scripting
This is one way to do it... overall_balance = overall_balance or 1 Message for return of overall balanceYou are again able to unleash a demon. overall_balance = 1 Message for unleash of -any- demon^Y… (View Post)2 -
Re: Quotes
You forget what you have learned in the defiler profession and receive 2607 lessons in return. You have received 66 credits as trade-in value for a bleeding treant named Sammie. Goodbye, @Sammie. (View Post)4