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  • Week old halloween candy.

    Gets a bit hard though.

    in I HEART Comment by Volpe November 2013
  • At twelve I left Indiana for Kansas, had the end of a bunch of friendships as well as a two years long doomed crush I had on an exchange student that was living in the house who was eight years older than me and when I ended up in a new place withou…
  • I'll title this post as "Think before Asking"


    Story writing contest + Volpe + two days without sleep + manic high = This Story


    Message #761 Sent By: Alvetta Received…

    in I HEART Comment by Volpe September 2013
  • I love that I'm getting into a new skype pen and paper Dresden Files game. This time I'm playing the wizard equivalent of Saul (Better call Saul) from breaking bad.

    Essentially I'm going to be a wizard scumbag.
    in I HEART Comment by Volpe July 2013
  • Hot spiced mead that I made myself.

    So wasted.
    in I HEART Comment by Volpe March 2013
  • From an OOC perspective this makes sense.  I would have to understand most if not all of the implications first, but from a completely utilitarian standpoint I am fine with this.

    From an IC perspective, this is dumb.  Antioch exists becau…
  • Giggity.
  • I shouldn't have told you horrible jerks anything.  I'm going to get crap for writing porn forever, aren't I? :(
  • PHD in mudsex right here.

    Everyone already knows my manwhoring ways though.  I just don't like divorces being up there with experience, quest honors, etc.
  • I find that the best way to return to Imperian is to find a buddy or two and phase into an existing neato clique.
  • Can you remove the number of divorces from someone's honors?  It feels like a nasty brand on people.  Or at least make it able to be hidden through config options.
  • (Quote) Dregs is gone.  You are the Dregs now.  Long live the Dregs.
    in Woodling RP Comment by Volpe March 2013
  • I always imagined Volpe's voice as Sam from Cheers.  Minus the terrible fro of course.

    Basically a fusion of friendliness, a bit of mockery and occasional slurring.
  • (Quote) The average mean age for US/Canadian women is about 58 for romance readers, but 50 (and falling) for e-readers.  I sell short stories that are normally about 5000 words long for 2.99.  It's all impulse buy convenience porn.
  • Oh hey there.  I'm actually active in this game again so I suppose I should share my dirty little secret.

    I'm a romance and erotica writer.  I work four to five days a week writing, editing and doing photo editing work as a smut slinger. …
  • You tell Kira Ael'ahir, the Relict of Justice, "Life isn't fun if I'm not making your life surreal."

    Kira tells you, "Strange, I was just giving you a dirty look in my mind."

    You tell Kira Ael'ahir, the Relict of Justice, "Why …
    in Quotes Comment by Volpe February 2013