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  • Why not just make a whole bunch of subs for your attacks, throw em in a string list and randomly use them for subs.. Rather than making alot of work for the admins it'd probably be easier and faster to do it client side too.

  • Well since I'm permitted to wear ear buds and rock out for 11 of my 12 hour shift I just put roughly 300 songs on shuffle. It helps that the 'played' cache is cleared every time I exit the music player so it repeats alot of stuff throughout the nigh…
  • I dunno why you bit either. I was just being a dork. Good books, liked the movie too.
    in Quotes Comment by Victor November 2013
  • 'Speak friend and enter' ... is the exact quote iirc :P
    in Quotes Comment by Victor November 2013
  • It falls perfectly into my 3 days off. P-p-poopsockin time!
  • I'll be sure to try and replicate the facial expression for the end. Screw daylight savings time by the way.. Turning my 12hr shift into a 13hr shift :<
  • Day or so late but here it is.. Damn i'm not photogenic lol.
  • Sudden rememberance dawning upon you, you quickly move through the surrounding
    area to your memorised location.
    Antioch Shuk.
    The stars twinkle in the clear night sky. This has been marked as holy ground.
    A sewer grate looms da…
    in Quotes Comment by Victor September 2013
  • Hey man. spelling is not my strong suit after 12hrs in a factory.
  • Rumor has it that beta has ended.. Any idea when they'll go live?
  • A Sleeping Bag of Snuggling - 1000cr - Anyone on your
    allies list may follow you into your sleeping bag. The owner can MOUNT BAG, and
    all allies following him, after a channeled delay, will be transported offplane
    to a Camping Ground…
  • I'm sure someone was blowin something.. Might not have been your mind though.
    in I HEART Comment by Victor July 2013
  • Artifact beds that take you off plane when you're on it... Right?
    in I HEART Comment by Victor July 2013
  • (Quote) You'll be hearing from my lawyer!
    in I HEART Comment by Victor July 2013
  • (Quote) :))
    in 'Mis!' Comment by Victor July 2013
  • (Quote) You misunderstood me.. I meant it'd be funny if the RNG landed on the no winner side of 50% for every drawing, thus having no winner at all, period... Pretty sure there would be a 100% chance for a winner in the very last drawin…
    in Lottery Comment by Victor June 2013
  • 50% that they'll actually pick a winner.. Personally, I think it'd be pretty funny if we went through all four weeks and didn't have a single winner picked at all.
    in Lottery Comment by Victor June 2013

  • H:441/472 M:326/336 <e- db> T:19:17 D:100 X:93.02 -- Victor
    Damage Taken: 24 magickal (raw damage: 30)
    Justice is dealt out and Seraphyne's attack rebounds onto her.
    You have slain Seraphyne.

    in I HEART Comment by Victor June 2013
  • Trying to find the different messages for "weapon health" I suppose is the best way to put it.  If anybody has them all and the percentages that go with them, I would greatly appreciate it. I've also submitted an idea for these to be listed in a gen…
    in Clueless Comment by Victor April 2013
  • autocuring reporting on will show you what commands autocuring sends.
  • You have to manually fill your pipes or code that client side.
  • I'd actually like that change, wouldn't be too god awful for the earrings of Gazali either.. Though, those are less of a problem these days..
  • Horse tacos dude!