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  • (Quote)
    Outrider lends itself to some pretty cool RP opportunities as well, mechanics aside.

    Also @Zsetsu, you can customize your class pet/…
  • I thought how hard the guards hit during a raid scaled based upon the number of people defending v. attacking.

    I do think that one-person defending of raids should be feasible, otherwise it just becomes a time-zone game.
    in Raiding Comment by Ultrix February 2017
  • A thought about making the caravan quartz relevant again - can "quartz" be used to influence leylines (much like shards are)?
  • (Quote) I think @Juran's point is that give the (extreme) DPS boost that shrines give you already, having the damage carryover from an attack is really not necessa…
  • Hi there, and welcome to Imperian!

    What is your current level and where are you trying to bash?

    As an outrider, your primary class-based defenses are going to come from being mounted on your icewyrm (make sure you cling to it),…
  • (Quote) There is a line you get when you die to someone who has taken on an assassin job/contract to kill you. It's typically lost in the rest of the death spam you get though, so hard to see.

    As a side note, there is no "notice" when s…
  • (Quote) Not sure what you mean by "hints" - you can do QUEST [name] and it will give you the basic overview of the quest. Once you satisfy the first "step" of the quest (e.g., find the right person, give them the item or whatever) then you someti…
    in Clueless Comment by Ultrix October 2016
  • I'm just going to say three things:

    1. Use reasonable judgment. This goes in line with @Jeremy's statement of "Don't be a jerk." Remove yourself from …
    in Clueless Comment by Ultrix October 2016
  • (Quote) I think this has to do with the fact that when obelisks/shard powers were first released, not all of the skills were public. In fact, to even see what the next power was, you had to be able to "unlock" it by satisfying the pre-requisities…
  • (Quote) Caravans are meaningless now, imo. AM finished the extra shard/beacon trees nearly a RL year ago; Magick finished earlier this year, and Demonic doesn't seem to really have any interest in pursuing it (probably because they saw how not-im…
  • PvP used to generate gold when people dropped gold upon death. For better or worse, that got changed.

    But I don't think PvP should be a source of "income" more than what it already is - you can get paid via bounties or by doing hired kil…
  • Isn't there an artifact that allows you to toggle worn artifacts? Orb of suppression level two? Wouldn't that make the costume not show?
  • Any sort of raiding under this system should not be a "daily occurrence" or something that can be done that frequently. One of the best things about the current obelisk system is the lead up and planning that is required to pull it off, in successi…
  • I'm also a fan of the city option (B). How do we expect personal houses/shops to play into question given certain AoE/ranged effects that could be launched in a "safe room"?

    Also a side note - I would prefer that we ultimately do not cal…
  • Re: (1), I believe unharvested shards decay after 6 RL hours if not harvested. Probably could shorten that to 2 RL hours or something (or maybe even 1 hour).
  • @Kiskan and @Mathiaus - does the game map still error out if you try to downl…
  • (Quote) So while I do not believe there are any horse-related obstacle events in the tough mudder itself, the course location is less than an hour away from horse-and-buggy land (aka Lancaster, PA) so I am sure that you can find some horses (with …
  • Okay! I have gotten some inquiries from people, mostly of the "I'd be interested but I have no idea where I'd even start training for something this awesome, because my hobbies are video games" sort.

    FEAR NOT. We're eight months …
  • (Quote) I would like scorpions (like the scorpion that guards the Antioch citadel doors) and honey bees (something something forest-y Ithaqua) instead of nagas and alligators. Pleeeeeeeaassssse!
  • (Quote) Obviously the solution is that AM should get scorpions and honey bees, not nagas and alligators. Honey bees can fly! (And really, who wants a stupid alligator anyway?)
  • For better or for worse, sect and city membership are not simply for "flavor", they are pretty much mandatory for PvP as they gain you access to a wide variety of support skills that are class/profession neutral.

    I personally dislike th…
  • (Quote) But neutral classes were never the issue. You could always have a profession but be city/sect/guild-less. You just didn't have access to shard skills.

    While I agree that neutral classes might make circle changing easier for the …
  • (Quote) This still doesn't solve the problem of gating mechanisms the game has for things like shard skills. The number one complaint about people not being able to go "rogue" is the lack of access to shard skills which are super important. No o…
  • (Quote) With respect to your response to question 1, the answer of "they have to be in the shardfall area to kill them" seems to be in conflict with the answer to Iluv's question of "are they open PK if they have the special item?". Which is it?
  • (Quote) A few more follow up questions:

    1. Is there going to be a new skill (shard skill, perception skill, whatever skill) that will allow players to see who is holding a shortfall item? If not, how are players supposed to determine w…
  • I may have missed this part, but are the shardfall items supposed to "reset" every shardfall, such that the longest someone could hold an item (without having to go back out to find/fight for it again) is approximately 5 hours?

  • Maybe I'm in the minority, but I strongly dislike the idea of having 3 circles but only one "org" per circle. Only having one org per circle leaves people with no alternative if the dynamics of the org are not to their liking, especially considerin…
  • Khizan probably has better numbers than me, but the last time I checked on bashing DPS for AM classes (in April or so), it came out to:

    Priest > Templar > Predator > Berserker.
  • (Quote) It's true. I was hoping his idea would get rejected on the ground of 'variable overflow' or some other technical limitation, but alas. 
  • (Quote)
    You could just use the WHO HERE command for the list of players in the room (although that doesn't help you with the identification of whose got glowy eyes).