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  • (Quote) I give it a few weeks before space samurai bears show up as a race in Imperian.
  • New Vegas. It's been years since that game was released, but I still love the setting, the characters, and some of the macabre yet hilarious dark humor that comes from it, like this (how I view all Stavennites):

  • (Quote) Sure. I'll let you know how it goes.
  • (Quote) Sure, I don't dispute that. My point is that people are more likely to pick up a class like Druid because of the raw damage potential and less effort that they have to put into coding a damage offense versus a class like Runegua…
  • (Quote) You can't truelock as an Indorani.

    In any event, I haven't quit yet. I just see the advantage that raw damage classes have. Skill and satisfaction aside in getting an affliction-related kill (which I agree i…
  • (Quote) Then yeah, I don't see a problem.

    Not directed at Menoch but in general: Lust is pretty strong, yeah, but from what I've seen/heard, there are mechanical restrictions to restrain it from becoming too powerfu…
  • If you're looking to code a means to check whether or not you've been lusted, it doesn't take balance to check your allies here. Create a function in your system for when you're subjected to a hidden tarot throw, your system will check allies automa…
  • While I may still largely be insignificant (or rather, completely insignificant) in Imperian combat currently, I have experienced Lust elsewhere as it pretty much exists across IRE in general.

    With monoliths and forks, which eve…
  • I heart the warm reception I've received in coming back to Imperian with a new character. It's been a long time, but folks like Lindsay, Ozreas, Menoch, Kira, Caelya, Alesud, and pretty much everyone in Ithaqua has been an incredibly welcoming group…
    in I HEART Comment by Therys July 2013