That literally answers nothing of what she asked.To answer: Backstab is stopped by keeping track of where the Predator is, then SEARCHing if you see them in your room. They have to be hidden to use the ability…Dead game lol
Quite a lot of those are assembly items. There's a command to lookup promo items. Not logged in, so can't check it right now.
gmcp.CommYou need to enable it on login.GMCP capturing is definitely infinitely better.
I was wondering why I got Tokens of the Creator with my elite, when they're apparently useless now.(Quote) Should have gotten 166 credits from elite if this was the case!
Okay nobody told me most of Taekate could be used on mobs. I'm pretty happy with this. More in line with what a friend was getting with Berserker/Shaman unartied.@Skuf if you check forums... This is ... Quite some variance. Or if you wanna show him in Clueless Comment by Syna July 2020