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  • <3 The amount of classleads! This if anything proves how much more active the game has become since the change. 

    in I HEART Comment by Siath November 2018
  • I'll only post it one more time.

    Its not about combo-classes not removing dual reflections at the moment.. its about reflections not being removed at all due to whatever bug is causing it, sorry for not making that obvious by now. 
  • (Quote) Forgive my bad sense of logic but I thought that 5 reflections being removed 1 at a time was kinda equal to 10 reflections being removed 2 at a time.. 

    10 or 5 reflections, still the ability at this point is bugged and it h…
  • (Quote) I wouldn't really touch afflictions at this point, but yea, something like this would be kinda nice. The actual numbers would of course require quite some testing. People will rage at allies regardless of this being here or not, its a…

  • Hmm, I need to view some logs on Druid because I haven't really seen those numbers as average attacks. On the other hand, I don't really like to compare two classes with entire different mechanisms and gameplay. 

    A faith adjustment …
  • I would guess that you mean that the masochism affliction is the answer to reflections? Galt. Its also not -that- hard to prio that high while you have them, it was way more effective against old barrier. I am however pretty sure when it comes to re…
  • One of the things I've thought about during the ToA's is the amount of events that is favoured by gaming the event or "block" others from winning. Now, if the event itself is pro-teamwork that's all fine. Its very frustrating to run a scavanger hunt…
    in ToA Update Comment by Siath April 2015
  • If anything wings should at least hold the ring of flight properties :(

    Because.. paying 800 credits for wings and…
  • (Quote) Some classes are really bad at PvE (monk in particular the worst at this point with hardly 30 dps with level 2 taekate belt). They started to get all classes up to around 35 dps standard though, so you just have to wait some for it.
  • Oh I understand that, @Bathan. I just think that one has to remember the in many cases equal investment in defensive artifacts (bracelets, constitution, surcoat, ri…
  • Absurd damage. The diminishing returns that could by ex take place above 15 str/int (separate from class depending on numbers obviously). I wrote a post about it a while ago, theorycrafting but something to consider. Something needs to be done ab…

  • Further. Putting resmith at trans pushes people to learn smithing just to be able to fully enjoy their artifacts. Resmith should be inept since its already minimum of 350 cr to buy a weapon, it shouldn't require any other ability.

  • (Quote)

    I wouldn't dislike a way to offer gold/comms for extra faith either. Anything that helps drain resources without adding something back in terms of resources is a good fix.


    Also, diminishing returns... You …

  • Caelya extends a clenched fist towards Ultrix and focuses on her mecromantic powers. Black energy starts crackling around her hand.

    Caelya going wild and started to use her very own MECROMANTIC.
    in Quotes Comment by Siath April 2015
  • I agree @Khizan, which is why I think that if there is no good way to solve the overlaying problem with obelisks at the moment then what harm could more obelisk-…

    in Obelisks. Comment by Siath April 2015
  • That sure brings back memories...Boo and Minsc in BG2! Baldurs gate and icewind dale are both awesome games. Sadly I have to admit that I haven't played a good game like this in ages so maybe I should check out the Pillars.



  • (Quote)

    While this is correct I do believe that it is the flipside of the points I raised. Why is it the optimal way to capture the obelisk? Basically because the stopped timer / slower timer will at times be enough for some pe…

    in Obelisks. Comment by Siath April 2015
  • To prevent constant takeovers perhaps an cooldown on X min upon capture should work on that obelisk? This would also allow the captures to benefit the obelisk-powers long enough for a caravan/shardfall etc without losing it instantly when a bigger t…
    in Obelisks. Comment by Siath March 2015
  • I do believe there is already a max stat limit in effect. Somewhere I recall 21.. Since back in the days we had crazy modulation from change aspect. 

    Should work for anything, but I think the diminishing returns should be based …
  • I haven't checked the new numbers out yet for the latest knight tweak but.. I am a bit concerned that if you tweak around damage in general you'll have none artifacted people getting issues killing people. Me and Septus discussed something else that…