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  • (Quote) /waves walking cane in a disparaging manner
  • In order - Veil. Raksha band. 

    That's it. I like artifacts. I like things like Diadem and whatever. You people just like to complain a lot.

    /grumpy old man on porch

    Get off my lawn.
  • Predator, Ranger and oldschool Noctusari are my favorite classes. But Predator died for me when they introduced the whole Beastmastery thing. I don't know if the Knifeplay stuff has been changed, but regarding bashing attacks, you want to be doing V…
  • I guess I just don't see the point of Artifacts (not lessons) being easy to get or much 'easier than now' to obtain. It's entirely possible that's due to me being still in the mindset of Pay for Bonuses IRE model.

    But, regarding what you …
  • (Quote) The answer then is not to increase credits being handed out as that will inflate artifacts across the board, but implement lesson gain. Perhaps you could toggle whether to receive lessons instead of credits at a suitably increased rat…
  • Just because Imperian is now Free to Play doesn't mean it should shower you with credits. It should be HARD to get them, else it devalues their worth completely. Enjoy the struggle. It makes achieving your goals that much more rewarding. I'm honestl…
  • I was around long before retirement was even hinted about being offered and we still felt happy to purchase credits. It's just like anything else. I feel that it's too easy to get into the mindset of "Oh I can just retire if things in Imperian don't…
  • Keep them on. Can only help IRE and can't hurt Imperian.
  • (Quote) Your hypocrisy aside, I didn't come here for discussion. I'm not 'at the table with you'. I don't care what you think, Sarrius. You're part of the problem as far as I'm concerned. The people who like the game the way it is now or the …
  • (Quote) That's a nice blanket statement. Patently false though and you know it.

    I said PERFECT BALANCE is boring. I did not say you can't have a well balanced game. I think it funny that stating Imperian has never been more balance…
  • I don't understand why companies are so loath to accept that the product they had in the past may be superior to the product they have now. I mean, I get it. It'd be tough to accept that you have already past your peak. But the fact is, Imperian WAS…
  • (Quote) "You think you do, but you don't." Really?

    Regarding underlying issues - The game is continuing to bleed players. Doesn't appear any underlying issues are being fixed. To my mind that either means the drop in players isn't relate…
  • (Quote) hardcore 1v1 isn't the answer. I truly think a rewind is. Circles separated the population and isolated them into small pockets, which is what having too many cities/guilds did essentially. Sure they were the answer to Runedancers and…
  • (Quote) As someone who's first IRE game was Imperian and who would return to Imperian if it started to resemble what it used to (more focus on solo, wayyy less on groups humping against each other and spamming damage attacks) I disagree entir…
  • (Quote) Then we disagree completely. Death experience loss needs to be reintroduced everywhere. It was a mistake to remove it and, as far as I'm concerned, an effort to increase interest in combat and get people more involved in a group setting du…
  • I am also of the opinion that part of the reason the 'old days' were great was because there was a higher power than the player.

    Yes, I'm talking about the gods. I'm not going to get into a The Gods vs Entities debate. We can if you want,…
  • (Quote) Yes, with the removal of the gods the old RP needs to be tossed completely. I don't know why this hasn't been done already. You can't have a half in half out sort of theme where people cling to an old ideology that quite literally doesn't …
  • I can assure you my age wasn't a part of it. I've been a grown man living on my own for all but the first year of my Imperian career. I'd also really like you to not fall prey to the 'rose tinted goggles' approach here. "You think you do but you do…
  • (Quote) Regarding this part. If you mean what I think you are and that if you lost exp you'd just stop fighting? Sure, go ahead. Sometimes it's good to know when to stop for the day and take a step back. But if it's a "I'm never going to fight bec…
  • (Quote) Disagree completely. Whytebot allowed the majority to engage on a more or less even standing with those who were the known combatants. However things were in place that let even the bad people win. Old Idras toxins.

    Gutting Metr…
  • (Quote) Shardfalls. Those other things that can be captured. I can't recall the name of them just now. Not the things that require an active Aspect to hold. Obelisks? Pylons? Basically every combat development that I'm aware of in the past several…
  • Game is so group focused it completely alienates the solo player. The spotlight USED to be on the person. You could dream about being a big bad guy or whatever.

    Now? It's literally nothing but Massive group A meets massive group B and all…
  • Change back to focus on the individual more than groups. Populations is at an all time low. Can't maintain the life support much longer!

    I'd come back and invest heavily if the game resembled something like it used to. How many times and …