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  • (Quote) It's more that we're not going to set a precedent that because people are unhappy with something in a game they are entitled to get something more in another of our games. People have been unhappy with things in all of our games since…
  • (Quote) As I've said, if Imperian became more popular, we'd look to find ways to make money off it again and if feasible paying the people running it. Most MUDs run without any paid staff, including those with larger player …
  • (Quote) We talked at length about how other companies sunset their products by killing them and how that's not what we're going to do with Imperian. We're going to give it a chance to thrive as the game with by far the lowest barrier-to-entry of al…
  • (Quote) Flat out nonsense. As I've stated clearly,  we were spending more on Imperian to try to save it than we've ever spent on any game but Achaea. More than we've ever spent on Lusternia, more than on Aetolia, and more than on MKO. W…
  • (Quote) Because we're not going to set a precedent that simply because some people are unhappy, they get 100% retirement. There are always people unhappy. Swale here, for instance, has never been happy in her existence on any of our games, as…
  • (Quote) Exactly this. Just because someone doesn't like big changes on a game doesn't entitle them to special treatment. We've never promised or even told you that you'd like everything that happens in any of our games. No publisher/developer…
  • (Quote) Changing features or systems in a game always "impacts the financial investment of your players." Every single one of them does from fixing a typo (unmeasurably small change), to making ability balancing changes, to adding a new class…
  • (Quote) Why the heck do you think we're pulling the final paid staff member off Imperian? Obviously we don't think it's going to be a financial success going forward, and it hasn't been for a couple years. It'd be great if this ga…
  • (Quote) It'll probably be a time-based thing (which is one way to make your character permanent even now). Spend X time in the game and it's permanent.
  • (Quote) That would be the absolute best possible outcome and we'd be extremely psyched to put paid staff back on the game if it looked feasible to do so. There'd have to be a lot more players though, at a minimum.
  • (Quote) No, we were willing to continue investing in it even while it's losing money, just like we are going to likely be doing now, but hopefully less as Jeremy's time (and thus the money we pay him for it) will be more profitably inv…
  • (Quote) Again, you have literally no idea what you’re talking about. All the positions on there aren’t even paid ones, and if we didn’t have new things for Jeremy to work on, either he’d have to go down to part time work or someone else would…
  • (Quote) When I was very first thinking about what became Achaea, half my life ago, I was toying around with a fantasy/sci-fi realm where you’d go between a portal or something and your fantasy gear would be translated into sci-fi equivalents …
  • (Quote) No, Jeremy was paid, specifically, to be the producer of Imperian and to spend the vast majority of his time on Imperian, which he did until now. It's funny to listen to someone with literally no knowledge of our financial structure l…
  • (Quote) You seem to have the idea that "saving games" is a matter of throwing staff at it. It's not. We would have loved to see Imperian (and MKO) not fail, and we were spending way more on Imperian a couple years ago than we ever have on Aet…
  • (Quote) Every minute anyone who is paid spends working on Imperian costs Imperian money. Same with any of our other games. It's not like their time is created out of free air. When they do something in one place, they can't spend that time an…
  • (Quote) Yes, correct, no market. TMS is all-but-irrelevant to incoming traffic. Until you've thrown $10s of thousands of dollars trying to market MUDs, you don't really understand what it's like trying to generate new players for MUDs in 2018…
  • (Quote)
    It's really hard to have these discussions because you guys don't have the data.

    Aetolia was not even remotely in a similar position in 2007 as Imperian in 2016/2017.  Aetolia had approximately 2.5x as much player activity …
  • (Quote) Giving players a choice is never unethical. 
  • (Quote) Yes, that's my point - we have a much higher percentage of people who pay vs most mainstream games where it's almost entirely about the whales in the population, since most people never pay. 
  • (Quote) It's very hard for a staff of one paid person (and even then, Imperian was losing money) to do it all, and while there are a couple of heroic volunteers, they can't do it all. Going forward, the game is going to be run by community vo…
  • (Quote) That is exactly how games companies of all sizes operate. Staff is moved on to new projects for many reasons, including that they're burned out on the current project, that the new project needs more resources, that the existi…
  • (Quote) Sure, of course it could, exactly like how World of Warcraft or Second Life or Fortnite or literally any game could be. There's no such thing as a game that can't be sunseted or shut down unless it's a single-player standalone g…
  • (Quote) Reason for that is because if someone was intentionally scamming the system and then distributing credits around, it's a manual process to track it all down and reverse it. Again, just an assumption on my part though.
  • (Quote) Yeah, I wouldn't worry. If you weren't acting in bad faith, it won't be a problem. I'm assuming he was just in a rush.
  • I'm bothered by the chain of events here, and have asked Jeremy to have a closer look as to whether a shrubbing was at all justified. He was traveling when this happened, which may have contributed to him not looking closely enough, I don't know. I …
  • (Quote) I also just have to chuckle here, and I mean that nicely. Every game's populations thinks the other games are more developed as far as I can tell. Achaeans (where I spend most of my time) are always saying, "Why can't we have &l…
  • (Quote) Matt Mihaly here. I run Iron Realms.

    I'm not sure where you got your information, but it's a bit off.

    Imperian has one paid coder (Dranor) that is paid by Imperian, and one producer (Jeremy) who a…