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  • Also, is exp from pk kills disabled for this event?
    in Clueless Comment by Saitou April 2014
  • Haylei quickly eats a piece of kelp. Person ate kelp

  • True story.
    in Quotes Comment by Saitou April 2014
  • Oh, yeah I added shadowplanted == true and shadowplant == name then
  • a big booboo?!
  • So I added these checks to each herb....

      You force a small opening in your wormhole and a shadowy replica of a maidenhair leaf pops out of it and lands in .+ hands.
  • Well I originally had it as "kelp1" because I thought "kelp" was interfering with something but I switched everything to just "kelp"
  • You're right. My shadowplant trigger was setting shadow to "shadownone" instead of "shadowkelp" or whichever herb it was. I'll test it in a few to see if that fixed it.
  • I added that extra check in there

    elseif combat.afflictions.asthma and shadowplanted == true

    and shadow == "shadowkelp" and herb == "kelp1" then

    cecho("<orange_red>\nSHADOWPLANT EATEN")

  • How is it triggering the shadowplant?
  • There's also this:

    ^(\w+) quickly eats (some|an|a) (.+)\.$

    local sub_eherb = {

    ["galingale flower"] = "galingale",

    ["hyssop stem"] = "hyssop",

    ["juniper berry"] = "juniper",


  • I don't have a trigger for eating hyssop which is why I don't understand why its triggering the shadowplant.

    So I should do something like this?

    Trigger: ^.+ quickly eats a piece of kelp.$

    herb = "kelp1"

  • This shadowplant script is seriously going to drive me INSANE. Why is it telling me he eats a shadowplant when he eats a hyssop when I shadowplanted kelp?!?!?!?!?!

    Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
    (Defense): Lost Antiweapo…
  • Okay so I've been trying to set up a script to suggest a hypnosis and then move onto the next hypnosis in my priority list. The problem I have is that it just keeps suggesting the first hypnosis in my list. This is my code:

    function Assas…
  • 7 hours of trying to code something in Mudlet and I have been defeated.
  • This link no longer works. Anyone have a current one?
  • Alright, I got working. Due to shitty internet in Afghanistan the download kept being interupted and wasn't fully downloading the file. 20 tries later and I got it.
  • Also when I try to download the map from that link, it doesn't seem to download the entire thing.
  • I tried that. When I put the XML file in the parser it just turns it into an empty IMAP file. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?