Double-post because when I dedicate myself to something, I care too much. If this is really necessary and intending to happen, we can look ahead. Idk if the inspiration to do any changes has faded since OP's original post, either but since Stavenn's…
(Quote) Lol I don't care : D Their loss! #AvraeAertsen4lyf #Hatersarescared #Bloodbath (okay jk I wont hashtag dance anymore promise.)
I love and heart Ssar-ithra - thanks for the interesting area! Sad I missed the event though.....
An arti which lets a Defiler's treant get a little visible piece of the last person said treant got the skin from. Maybe in its extended desc or even Short desc! ie "The skin of Raziya is grotesquely sewn into the vines and thorns of this hideous tr…
....too late to edit but I heart how easily @Iniar laffs. ._.LoL YOU TOO INIARThat's all fine & dandy, about conquering in PvP and being l337 coding hax0rz combat bosses but.... It really doesn't sound, objectively, outside their roles? Looking at it from a new perspective, AM & Magick apparently have no issue teamin…No hate @Dreacor! Just thought the deathsense was appropriately ironic for someone shouting! lol
Dreacor yells, "One one one?"
Silence fills …I play lots of things outside Impy depending on my mood, too many to list. Currently I like fidgeting on Sims for a while. Who knew architect was a mood I could be in.
At the above, I like Imperian because it requires a type intelligence…I don't think the messages should be limited to coding needs, they should have a little length (100 chars or something) for some unique and meaningful attack lines. If some people want to gag everything to defeat the purpose of the trinkets that's t…How interesting it's been playing in Stavenn as a newb from a diff universe (game). Everyone's been great and patient while I learn how to RP/Hunt/PvP (though PvP is not concentrated for me until I tri-trans heh) - I can't wait to get comfortable en…I don't know if I hate this or find it amusing. It's a very quiet day though....PLEASE GO AWAY BAR OF GOLD...
Barakis arrives from the east.
You incline your head toward a bar of gold respectfully.
Barakis inclines his head towa…@Jeremy: Gory Wytch (Basic) could use a little more bang for the buck so to speak. Current form:
First person message:
Sarrius begins to bleed …+++ Warning: N00b Post +++
I am positive that I am missing a lot of context which sparked this initial conversation, and I guess that's perfectly fine since the subject is "Stavenn" anyways(?). Correct me if I am wrong.
From ev…