If you want to build a hackintosh, use tonymacx86.com as your guide. Their Buyer's Guide will more or less tell you exactly which parts are known to be compatible. Trust me, you want to stick to their recommendations. What graphics card you need dep…
It was a marvelously fun train wreck while it lasted.
MGSV. Kept me waiting, huh?
I heart finding the Witcher 3 for half off already. (Thanks Green Man)
ImperianZ. Bring on the permadeath!
Big world-changing event that IRE can point to in a newsletter and say, "Hey look, stuff is happening in Imperian!" that maybe draws in some new players and fixes the population problems of a decade plus of accreted orgs? Win win.
So much agreement.
Simple solution: instead of putting the org credits into a player's hand, drop them automatically into a circle-wide bucket at a price set via referendum, allow anyone to buy 5/10/15 per day.
FWIW I don't care if it's my org that's axed. Wouldn't mind consolidating the orgs into something simpler. I'm also with everyone who says guilds can go the way of the dodo. We just seem to have the infrastructure of a much larger game, and it ends …
Can we get a special honors line for when your ex-wife marries your sister? Can we get someone to run a Maury style show in game?
Investment is probably not the right word to use regarding your monetary support of IRE. It's a little like Kickstarter backers believing their money to be an "investment" in the company they're backing. It's not. It's a straight up gift. You're pla…
Google docs?
some sort of electric rodent
I think it used Blink.
It's a great tune, jazz historians are unsure whether it was Bill Evans or Miles Davis who composed it. Bill says it's a Miles tune at concerts, but the composer is listed as Bill, and Miles never recorded it. Mysterious but lovely.
Maybe don't issue for anything ever short of actual emotional harassment, racism, misogyny, bigotry, you know, the big ones. Who cares? Death is meaningless.
Rocket League.Soccer with cars. Get on my level.
My solution has been to stop bashing. </3
Oh huh. That doesn't seem well balanced.
It won't be a thing cuz I don't care about shrine powers and have no idea how even to use them. Now if someone ELSE wanted to lockdown and TELL me to radiance, I'll be a good soulja boy (tell'em). What is lockdown anyway? Prevents leaving the area l…
If I could pick up a new class right now, it'd be outrider. Seems awesome. Dreacor isn't artifacted and he wrecks.
Khizan, you're totally right. I don't care about the "tangible benefits" it's really just about the fight.
I have a hard time caring about shrines. The only tangible benefits are PvE bashing related, and I don't care about PvE at all. I don't know what the solution is either. Shardfalls and caravans are fun because there are tangible benefits to doing th…
Hurrah! That'd be great. Thanks Jeremy.