It is actually extremely relevant to the Big Changes what will happen to the existing value of credits and retirement, as it is, thusfar, the only actual change that has been rolled out in anticipation of Imperian's new economy. I say this to justif…
My point about credit trades being removed still stands, eliminating a 1:1 (or similar) value across games. There is also the irrefutable fact that 10… -
@Admin why not let us access those retirement credits on established characters? Especially since we'll be moving them to games that will generate direct inco…
Something of this magnitude has never been performed by IRE before. This isn't just 'delete guilds/create houses', this is directly impacting credits that people have directly invested real money into. The terms of service may well address that the …
The value of my credit purchases has been decreasing for as long as the game has been in decline. Monetary value? Not really, since it costs the same to trans a skill or buy artifacts. But when I no longer want to use the credits to play the game th…
I am posting this for @Sarrius, since he has been banned from the forums;
Sarrius-Today at 4:55 PM
…I was laughing at this thread because I was blown away by how flaccid the administration's responses have been, but then the thread ended and now I feel even more strongly that I don't want to be a part of the transition. I'm not going to threaten t…No offense to Matt and @Jeremy, but as amusing at this thread absolutely was to read, I feel like you have intentionally sidestepped the points being made here and …The change is completely premature and extremely frustrating when the game still has no viable direction. That lock-in to retirement, this entire system, should have come alongside the change in dev, with any valuable indicator that there's some rea…So.. people who have invested actual money into their characters are restricted to a 50% return on their financial investment? I understand 'credit values are subject to change' per credit purchase warnings, but that's exactly not what's happening h…Same but I'm cuter than him.I'd put money on not.Forgive the double-post, but to me 'dead' means unplayable without hyperbole. Right now the only reason to play Imperian is 'cause you feel like it. Player retention is 100% the individual's taste towards how the game is. That is completely divorced…@Sarthan - I made my first Imperian character (in ~10 years) about two weeks before the Gods died and I have been playing fairly regularly since then. I do not hav…imo, when Antioch was hardline forbidden from becoming pro-horde during the Ugtar(or whatever his name) event was when the game accelerated into its decline. Magick/Not-Magick became meaningless as soon as the Gods died, and this was the strongest, …I think a large part of Imperian's problem is that the Admin have not been able to decide if they are catering to the consistent conflict-avoiding roleplay crowd or the PKing, conflict-generating bullies. They waffled back and forth with coding prio…It takes anywhere from 1-24 hours after posting about it on the forums.Same.I kinda briefly poked you about this on the discord, @Vadi, but I'm wanting to ask again now that I'm able to sit down and be more articulate.
In CMUD I re…Token of Creator & 5 credits
15 credits & gleaming soulstone
Token of Creator & pinecone candle
Token of Creator & a small gleaming stone
I opened 5 stockings this year (one from Leighanna, Lynyssa, Ohm, the…Yeah, just view pretty much any creative outlet as for its own sake, but don't let that discourage you at all. =DAll reality shudders as the voice of Eoghan thunders across the land, "Grashella is still second-to-last with eight points, ahead of Oystir who has two. Who is going to compete for the bonus winning-at-losing gift?"H…Only one way to find out!!!!You direct a powerful pulse of telepathic energy into Galt, throwing his mind into chaos andconfusion.Equilibrium Taken: 2.20sYou have regained your mental equilibrium.You ease yourse…You sense Owyn entering the location north from you.You sense Owyn has entered your location.You invoke an ancient command and wave your palm in the direction of Owyn, who simply fades fro…