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  • ♡ TSM going to finals. ♡
    in I HEART Comment by Linslet April 2016
  • This MIGHT be a classlead issue, but I'll give it a shot.

    Shadowbinding siphon currently pulls from the first available shadowveil.  While this seems okay since haze use is minor for most things, it leads to situations where one veil has …
  • Dash actually still lets you bypass guards, or at least did about a week ago.  Sep walking though, is no longer possible to bypass guards with.

    Saying there's no exclusivity to dash in skillsets because there are artifacts that provide it…
  • You have set your racial title to: covetous.

    I feel complete.
    in I HEART Comment by Linslet April 2016
  • Was going off memory!

    If I can get you below about the 600 mark by the time I'm ready to blow, then I'm golden barring vitality.

    If not, I'm kind of SoL.
    in Owned Comment by Linslet April 2016

  • (Quote) Stupidity spam is good.  Reflections will catch the bellow.  Prismatic just nullifies the whole thing and makes me mad.
    in Owned Comment by Linslet April 2016
  • I heart creating little skirmishes through being a general nuisance.

    Imperial Logging Company, Sienna branch is a go.

    Edit:  I also love civil talks between foes when we get to the ferry at roughly the same time about how the f…
    in I HEART Comment by Linslet March 2016
  • Context: Iluv had all my necessary seeds, was psysapped, poisonsapped, and had 100% entropy. I also failed the burst once against her due to some pretty good shielding nonsense.

    That was a fun fight.  You actually freaked me out with the …
    in Owned Comment by Linslet March 2016
  • Longer summary:

    • As Dreacor attempts to attack, a translucent shadow passes straight through him, choking him.
      Dreacor's a mithril spear bursts into flames as he stabs you through the chest with it.
    in Owned Comment by Linslet March 2016
  • Four fights against an outrider.  Warning, pastebin is long.
    in Owned Comment by Linslet March 2016
  • OH RIGHT, I forgot Olilat existed, thanks Iniar.
    in Clueless Comment by Linslet March 2016
  • Does Stavenn not have an NPC that sells the defiler corrupt seeds and gaudy shadow jewelry?  I know Khandava does, but it seems like an oversight if Stavenn does not.
    in Clueless Comment by Linslet March 2016
  • Being able to see how long I have to wait for woodheart to be usable again would be neat.  I know that it ticks at the beginning of each new day, but outside of hitting TIME and guessing how much longer based on ingame day cycle (or adding time of d…
  • There's an artifact to cure drunkenness on the fly, and killing yourself is pretty much a nonissue at this point.
  • I bugged this a while ago.

    Familiars currently can't do the cool [say (neat flavor text here) "spoken words"] that we all know and love.  I would adore that being a thing.  Seeing as how everyone is rocking five thousand familiars these d…
  • That is exactly what Kabaal is saying, it's not ALLOWED to be on him with autocuring on at all because if he sets the threshholds for curing to "dude chill out I -got this-" autocuring goes all "lolno you're drinking this and you'll LIKE IT" anyway …
  • (Quote)

    Known Proficiency teachers:

    Straight, edged swords :  Rafe, the Blademaster (10157)
    Sabre and Scimitar     :  Rafe, the Blademaster (10157)
    Polearms and Glaive    :  Maenas, the Lost Drag…
    in Owned Comment by Linslet March 2016
  • Carried upon the four elements Ohm tells you, "One day I'll kick your ass."

    You tell Gambler Ohm Tancredi, Aspect of Addiction, "Oh! You're changing classes?"

    It's funny because mage is bad.

    Sorry Ohm love you.
    in Quotes Comment by Linslet March 2016
  • Lame, alright, I'll sit on the 350 for about... a month or so.
    in Clueless Comment by Linslet March 2016
  • If I buy level 1 bracelets now, and get another pair of level 1 bracelets later via the bashing achievement, do I just get level 2 bracelets?  The credit value of bracelets is 350, level 2 is 700.  Can we do SWEET BRACELET FUSION so I don't feel bad…
    in Clueless Comment by Linslet March 2016
  • Alright, this lag is to the point where fights are unplayable.  Half the demonic team just had their offenses negated by curseward of all things because their input wouldn't go through until garrynbot had already put curseward back up.

    in Bad lag? Comment by Linslet March 2016
  • Ditto on the "eating deaths I shouldn't" comment.  The absurd input lag just caused me to be unable to exit a room with more demons than anyone would be comfortable with.
    in Bad lag? Comment by Linslet March 2016
  • That slugfest felt like we were fighting in old retardation vibes.  The nostalgia factor made me happy.
    in Bad lag? Comment by Linslet March 2016