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  • Can you make a single post that isn't passive-aggressive? I don't think you can. You can't even thank people without transparently throwing one of your "off-topic/disagree" button fits (oh, the irony of you complaining about Gjarrus hitting you wi…
    in I HEART Comment by Kiskan October 2016
  • Please, Juran told me I should go play bejeweled because I was afraid of having to bash my face off to be able to keep PK-ing. And I actually play that aspect of the game (and would like to keep playing, and am not all gung ho about consequences th…
  • You've never shown up for any fight, ever. You whine (loudly, here) anytime PK has even looked in your general direction. You have zero skin in this game, so it's sure been easy for you to be a smug (and let's be honest, probably pretty useful) ch…
  • Aysari, we have zero guarantee that this system is going to be as nice as that. Also? I'd actually like to see for myself how that plays out. It's different to actually live things out and see how easy or troublesome they are when you actually go…
  • I honestly don't understand. It's XP loss. The game had it for most of its existence. Achaea has it... All of the other IRE games have it (which made us unique). I understand that you haven't coded it, but the general idea of what it's going to …
  • Can we get any sort of additional detail on the XP changes please? It's been 10 days since this post, and more like a couple of weeks since you guys decided XP loss was coming back. I saw you stop by a few times lately and I really hoped that mean…
  • I hear Septus is itching for a shrine war.
    in I HEART Comment by Kiskan October 2016
  • Shou kind of uh, gave a lot of corpses to me (thanks Shou, I have all my sect rituals now except the last ones I can't decide on). Also, we uh, might have built a Flame shrine with some of them. So basically, Shou was busy aiding the enemy. Sry.
    in I HEART Comment by Kiskan October 2016
  • Yes yes, and if we all eat our vegetables we can grow up to be Septus. On it.
    in I HEART Comment by Kiskan October 2016
  • Oh boy... Aysari, that is not the point. We've had "fun fights" with AM too. But if they had added another top tier, artifacted team leader to their side (you know, one of those guys that are maybe 3-5 total in a game like this if you're lucky, wh…
    in I HEART Comment by Kiskan October 2016
  • After being a bit sad to find out that @Gurn is something called a "managerial economics major" and that this SEVERELY impacts his ability to be a filthy magicker PK-…
    in Quotes Comment by Kiskan October 2016
  • That does make sense (but yes, magick could certainly use a knowledgeable classlead guy because I am pretty sure our input was probably "nothing" and "worse than nothing" - I certainly didn't write any). I just really thought you were plotting your…
    in I HEART Comment by Kiskan October 2016
  • Hrm. New building code, cinder block castles with sand exterior >.>
    in I HEART Comment by Kiskan October 2016
  • (Quote) I see those priest classleads... And priest probably does need some love? But now I am really wondering again. I haven't seen you play much yet, but I will say this. I sure didn't go to the trouble of trying to help break up the AM jugg…
    in I HEART Comment by Kiskan October 2016
  • omg, I talked to the gmcpee. And it talked BACK.
    in I HEART Comment by Kiskan October 2016
  • "I feel like you're getting angry with me"

  • Another guy with a high level scepter I see on right now is Arakis. I think his is actually a 20 too.
  • I might test with my level 20 in a bit. But basically, that thing is pretty nice. I don't know that the scepters were really even intended to be used with just a few gems. Once I realized what they were, I immediately felt it was going to be a le…
  • With how crazy that promo was and how much crap I got out of it, I feel like that may have been the idea. I will take the buffs though. The scepter messages you get are hilarious, and you will be a rock star with big, tanky mobs. My baby RG has a…
  • It's basically marginally better than my class skills because it can be scaled to stats (and I have level 3 everything), and shines with targets that have huge health but are not immune to crits, has nice flavor. If I didn't hate bashing, I could p…
  • The scepter fragments were part of a promo (I think even above and beyond a credit bonus, and there might have even been gladiator tickets? I forget. I was like "what are these gem things"?), and any pricing on them is going to be based on "this w…
  • I really like Kabaal. People like that are fairly rare, though, is my point. And Kabaal is quite good, but he's also not going to take out the artied top tier - who tend to be some of the worst smack talkers in practice, exactly because they feel …
  • (Quote) I (naively, as usual) thought the assassin system actually worked... until Iniar LOL'd at one of my comments. And it turns out that the reason is because a hit he'd taken out sat for many, many months. The assassin system is interesting.…
  • (Quote) I mean, you can still talk PLENTY of trash though (and people definitely do) - as long as you can kill the person you want to talk trash about. The only other exception would be that they have enough political clout in your org, or an org…
  • Way up in the Aoash (pretty sure it's there), there are some mer-people in what is now an icy forest. Maybe the whole north was under water at one point?
    in Clueless Comment by Kiskan October 2016
  • "He is a radiant forum avatar. He looks very angry. You should definitely poke him".
  • Yeah, it took me quite awhile to really understand the whole "people can be kicked out of an org at any time" (but I did understand it by the time I was responding above). My only problem with all of this is that people do generally walk into a gam…
  • Oh, right. It was the friend that listened, not her... nvm.
  • The thing that actually matters was probably kicking you during the election. If she'd done it at a different time, it (likely) wouldn't have been issuable at all. You'd have to be (somewhat) careful there lest you reach a certain threshold where …