Here is me;
My lip is cold...
(Quote) Are you able to provide more on an insight as to when it should be addressed in a larger fashion?
Cities don't have that many ways to generate gold. They generate gold by the Ministry of Trade (theoretically, very difficult to do lately) donations via citizens, taxes for shops, and houses. Arena Events can make a marginal amount of gold (as yo…
And the drain on food resources for guards, has worked fairly decent at bringing down the quantity of food resources, slowly but there seem to be more leaving then entering at least.
There are a couple of other issues that I see to also go along with that.The sheer number of commodities that are out there, they would need to be massively decreased before a overhall would adjust itself to normal amounts. A…(Quote) I would also say I have an issue with tome items automaticallty being converted rather then a refund. To be quite honest, I am fairly done with designing and rarely design new things. I wouldn't overly be impressed if it was a…