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  • Simple action lines, examples being:
    Alesei closes her eyes and concentrates, and a swirling bileshroud slowly forms 
    around her body, protecting her from harm.
    Alesei used BILESHROUD.

    Ahkan bl…
  • Caladus, Arena Battlemaster says, "With a gasp Thonum Doomshaper recieves a flying 
    knee to the face from Thonum Doomshaper and he crumples to the ground."

    You haven't won anything on your bet: Thonum Doomsh…
    in Owned Comment by Kabaal April 2016
  • tubby, portly, skeletal, wobbly, flimsy, obnoxious, irrelevant, outdated, babbling, flirtatious, snivelling, rotating (for @Ohm in Titles Suggestion Thread Comment by Kabaal April 2016

    in I HEART Comment by Kabaal March 2016
  • Me to Imperian, every trough of the love wavelength:

    in Quotes Comment by Kabaal March 2016
  • If you spent all of that on Mega Millions tickets, you'd likely have lower returns.

    IRE: Better than state-run lottos!
  • If you want a toggle to turn sips and toadstool off so you can slide in the logic for all of those situations where you're at full health and mana while reckless these days, then I have no objection. That's what I was attempting to do by turning the…
  • @Juran

    1. There is currently no way to change what it sips, and it will always sip health as soon as you have sip balance. Threshold to 0 doesn'…
  • @Garryn

    Autocuring's behavior when reckless needs to swap the autosip based on your health/mana priority, and it needs to eat toadstool.
  • I forgot to use my gimmick to beat your gimmick :(
    in Owned Comment by Kabaal March 2016
  • Add emotes to the gmcp Comm.Channel stuff

    E: I just used a color before I finally got the Comm.Channel working, but putting emotes on gmcp would let me make it universal for other people's configs
  • I feel like I'm missing something with the gmcp Comm events. Anyone who uses them mind sharing an example?
  • A link tool in descriptions that points to a worn item. For example, you could have a line in the main description that mentions how a hat is worn. In the editor, the player would do something like *hat* to swap for the short name of a matching worn…
  • Whoever designed the Hormack quest. Lots of colors and blatant indicators!

    ^ Forgot to push enter on this one a few days ago.

    And for the cham thing, I think they flag anyone whose name 'technically' v…
    in I HEART Comment by Kabaal March 2016
  • So the maps are permanent items? They sounded like another one-and-done to me.
  • The crowns are awesome swag.
    in I HEART Comment by Kabaal February 2016
  • Also! It's a bit odd that there's no way for PK to result in a champion unless an actual Champion is involved. An apprentice who does something like go on an n (3-5?) apprentice kill streak should pop a champion.
  • Can Champion be made a toggle thing? Put me back on apprentice on death, sure, but there's often no time to go to the root or altar (safely) when the fight is real.
    E: Also, people (read: me) are lazy and will be more likely to participate in it…
  • Quotes around locust