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  • I guess the first question would be, which Client are you using besides the autocuring? like, Cmud, Mudlet or nexus?
  • well I'm only looking for the map side of Mudbot.. not the curing side.. Thanks tho..
  • thank you, I have an updated one but needed to know really if anything I should change for it to work with Imperin as its for another mud. I'll download it and see, Thank you again
  • (Quote) thats good to know but if the aeon is hidden like summoners and Wytchs can do, autocuring doesn't notice aeon as it doesn't track the 2nd line as aeon...

    and no matter how good you are, you cant drink speed fast enou…
  • yeah im from Aetolia... I'll make a precacheing thing tomorrow..  but unsureh how that is going to fix the outr resetting aeon time
  • oh dam, I guess i'll make a precache thing tomorrow.. game im from whatever command you send is sent after 1.5 seconds.. kind of stupid that outr resets aeon time..

    thanks for the info tho
  • Since I made this about Curing I thought it might be best to ask here instead of making a new topic, but How does Imperian handle Aeon ? because its not letting me outr...

    exmaple:  This is me having Asthma and getting afflicted with Aeo…
  • well the code in question only gets fired when I use DEF.. so its not going to lag/mess mudlet up... plus it works now so.. dont want to break it :P
  • affliction cures -- OP Thank you admin people :)

    it even shows if mending/restoration is to a limb etc.. And with the GHE…
  • weak immune system isn't on it...
  • well in aetolia, help venoms list the venoms (toxins) and help cures concoctions, lists alll the cures... Which is a good idea as then Admin monitor the scrolls incase game changes cures/afflictions.. so the whole game gets the same correct informat…
  • ah, I fixed it. Thanks guys :)
  • from display(Imperian.defences) I get


    from display(stats.defences) I get ..

      insomnia = true,
      deaf = true,
      blind = true,
      bandages = true,
  • yeah in Aetolia the mud im from they got a help cures concoctions/reanimation (depending if you living/undead) and it lists every herb/salve/pipe and what it does, defence/aff.. I thought this game might have something similar but …
  • well imperian.defences is just imperian.defenes {"deaf", }

    and stats.defenecs is deaf = true ...

    I checked all ways of finding errors its not finding none.. but so I guess its the coding which is wrong..
  • This is more of a coding help then script but, others might be able to use it (if i can figure it out)

    for k,_ in pairs(Imperian.deflist) do

    if not k == stats.defences then

    echo(string.title(k) .. ", ")


  • yeah I gone through afflition show name and put it all into notepad heh..

    but that doens't mention what tree cures... and whats a defence or not .. thank you tho in Wiki Curing List Comment by Jimery April 2013
  • Thank you :)
  • so basically tree cures EVERYTHING but restoration breaks and paralysis? and unconc of course...

    happen to know what DEFS, herb/drink/salves this game has?

    the game I come from has a help cure, which lists what each herb/drink/…
  • yeah Aetolia has a set curing order so  like kelp will cure in a certain order from top to bottom, but then Aetolia have a discernment skill in vision so things like tree / end game ability or hidden healing like seraph etc will also show up like ..…
  • thank you ...
  • yeah I use it for the other mud I play but I was unsure as to what this mud recieves as of how it handles things..

    like it only shows its handling it when you're of that balance... and not knowning what this game balances are Its hard to…
  • thank you :)
  • Thanks, So what would you do about the (empty) and (none) ? it doesn't seem to be picking them up :/
  • I have a Mudlet Scripting question, its not about a script but more how to do a trigger..

    How would I trigger this as I haven't a clue on how to do the spacing..

    *********************************[ Pipe List ]*************…
  • oh it captures stun/prone also.. thats good to know .. takes it away from having to capture them as a affliction..

    and from testing just now, gmcp doesn't capture tree in the gmcp.Char.Vitals stuff.. in GMCP with Imperian/Mudlet Comment by Jimery April 2013
  • aye, but im wondering what balances are in imperian? and which of them balances does GMCP capture?
  • (Quote) kind of a similar question but after ALOT of testing, Ive found out it does pipe/herb/alve/toadstool/haelth ... so main question.. Does it do TREE and FOCUS? like does Gmcp capture them? and anything else im missing?

  • You can also look at AFFLICTION LIST and AFFLICTION SHOW <affliction>

    ^^ This game have that too.. thanks so much
  • you made it sound like if you dont have the correct cures / eg correct herbs in the rlift, it wont refill. its why I did the post about it not refilling...

    Thanks tho, once I get a figure out of what each cure does etc I'm going to write …