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  • Oh, I thought we had to specify open tattoo slots. Thanks for the tip!
  • Coding noob here who gets very confused with complicated coding :(

    I want to write a simple tattooing script that will check…
  • (Quote)
    Mudlet. I can do some simple things, but that's about it, heh.
    in I HEART Comment by Geneve June 2015
  • Jules is pretty spot on with her Achaea tutorial :P. This new bashing system is interesting, but it also makes it nearly impossible to clear even a single level in nearly any bashing area without running out of either endurance or willpower. That's …
    in I HEART Comment by Geneve June 2015
  • Boo - back to obscurity, :(
    in Cairns Comment by Geneve March 2015
  • Lol, if these existed in Achaea, the players would riot.
    in Cairns Comment by Geneve March 2015
  • I love the idea, just please don't go as far as Achaea did and create new guilds that make very little sense to newbies.
  • Each time I see a post from @Eoghan , I sit and stare at the signature until I have to blink myself out of it. I want a suited eagle.
    in I HEART Comment by Geneve January 2015
  • @Kabaal for being such a patient teacher of the dreaded art that is known as "coding". Believe me when I say that if you can teach me to do anything advanced, you h…
    in I HEART Comment by Geneve January 2015
  • A huge barrier to me ever keeping a character in Imperian long term is coding. In Achaea, we have Vadi (god save the Vadi!). In Imperian, you have nothing close. From what little I've seen, you have no affordable systems available here. I mean, you …
  • Ok, I want to gag a specific line without the empty prompt lines firing.

    deleteLine() deletes the line itself, but the prompt still fires. Is there any way to remove that as well?
  • ** ANNOUNCEMENT: Geneve still hasn't voted yet. Just Kidding! Vote quickly before we decide to do it for real! **
    Vote for Imperian at:

    in Quotes Comment by Geneve January 2015