The above suggestion is rather silly, if you consider someone will pay real cash to be unable to do with whatever they want, (including being IRE's LARGEST way to put new credits in the market by the way, not that it's used for that primarily at al…
@Bronach how did you fall for them? Just by looking at them it was an obvious joke
If you recall @Myrcella xp got recalculated like a year and a half agoish? So that the returns were lessened and the numbers were smooshed together based on other…
(Quote) I'm chasing that topmobkill the old fashion way!
(Quote) Belated, by far, but why was I tagged in this...
Plus discord/skyping with a Mud kind of breaks the immersion
Alright, a rare exclusive view of the real me. This is gonna be weird for some of you but literally the only pictures that exist of me are from Airsoft (not real military) because I never leave my house for anything except airsoft.....Our small business went to Cedar Point to hand out candy to an estimated 6000 kids for their trick or treat event (One of 43~ vendors)
I'm Rambo Pictures! Comment by Fanglor October 2018
I get a token every other day or so from spawnwaves.
(Quote) Surely as long as you volunteer as a meatshieldAs I'm nosy and impatient are there any gold dumps planned at launch?So, onto the cool stuff and not the complaining stuff.
Are the credit changes coming with the update? (Which was when again?) Like mentioned bosses dropping credits and so forth?(Quote) I will hurt you, buster, if you sell off bashing arti's. You're still neededThe biggest part of this that I thank you for:
Fear not, Imperian will never close as it costs us very little to keep the game running on our servers.