Unrelated, sort of, but yay for having a system that tells me my command was eaten by concussion...
I was hoping to see something new come out of this change in the form of powers or something. I don't want to be a downer but I'm super underwhelmed
(Quote) This. I'm ready to drop $$ on the wheel
I'm going to keep posting these cause they're related damnit. MORE comission, this one is directly related! @Rokas stands at the back with in I HEART Comment by Fanglor September 2019
Yeah, I adore Mushclient for stuff like that. I run it off my phone's SD card actually and just plug it in. The only problem I've been having recently is I have to move my system onto the other computer even if it's on the SD card for some odd reason
(Quote) Way to be selfish bruh. Coulda shared :P
(Quote) ...Yes. Clothing is an affront to the naturalness of fur.
I heart me some commissions.
Fanglor and Caitryn