Most of us just tinkered with it for years to get what we have. I'd suggest picking up a new client though. The two main clients are Mudlet(free) and Cmud(paid), there are plenty of people that can help with each client, and some people even have sy…
Let the growth begin!
@Apoloc said it isn't a hard deadline, because at this point you are only hurting yourself by limiting your growth time. I plan on posting mine today sometime.
Aha, I see it now... Crazy crafters guild. Thanks for the help.
Curling up at every edge, this thick piece of oak bark contains an impressive pile of the fingers of various races. Each piece of meat has been left on the bone up to the second knuckle, leaving the bone to the third knuckle exposed. With each finge…
Am I the only person whose forums is broken? The general discussion keeps showing unread topics even though I've read them all.
@Wysrias, I'm not trying to dictate to anyone how they should play their characters RP. I'm just pointing out fallacies in some of these points of view when no one…
@Ahkan, anyone who has played 5+ years pretty much gets a pass on 95% of the crap they pull(which I think hinders role play just as much your "micro environment" sce…
@Emori, I could understand cross circling so to speak before circles were a thing. The game now requires that you be part of a city/council to fully participate in m…
Unless they are trying to ease us into a game where circles don't matter, I'm with Calais on this one. If the system is broke enough to where it requires cross circle participation to complete, then it needs to be tweaked. Unless, as stated, they ar…
I heart finally getting to have a flintlock duel with @Iniar. Sort of a let down, but sort of gratifying at the same time. Even though I got shot up.
Well it could do next area too, like the shard skill.
No eqbal loss upon using I would assume. Similar to monocle.
I heart the humanity shown in the I HATE thread by @Selthis
Due to the sheer amount, I'm sure they just inserted weapon variables similar to emotes, and some people who worked on them likely forgot that most weapons start with 'A/AN something or another weapon of doom'. Harmless mistake, though I see where i…
@Ozreas lol, thanks for pointing that out. You know how you say something in your head but write something else down instead. I blame that. Just for clarification, …
From what I saw from the logs, once the Calvary rolled in, pretty much only Kalcer died for AM, with an intermittent einheri death thrown in for color.
Oh don't get me wrong. I knew as much. Just didn't want others who would come perusing the forums after creating a character to get some pre-concieved notion about me is all.
@Iniar to be fair, anyone who's approached me I've freely given them my system. But now, I also knew their characters in game and such...So I'm not opposed to helpin…
there would be...but people don't generally just hand that stuff over.
@Cassius that is how it was explained not so long ago.
I don't know about everyone else, but when I actually go out and buy credits from the website, I generally already have them doled out to a certain artifact I'm going purchase, so I somewhat doubt Verexa is "flush" with credits at the moment. I coul…