Well this is the marketplace, a place for offering services. Not everyone who plays Imperian is interested in coding, or in learning coding. I have a service to offer. If Azefel wants to offer a similar service for free he's welcome to. I'm not doin…
In what sense
Get mudlet. Mudlet is extremely easy to use and Lua is very easy to learn.
Apparently I fail at using spoiler tags, if anyone feels like explaining what I did wrong in that post that'd be great.
Thanks for the responses folks.I've recently "finished" the coding I want for knifeplay, and I thought I'd post it here in the hopes someone conversant in Lua and/or Mudlet has any insightful comments.(Quote) So essentially I can code in a one minute timer for each of the six limbs that resets each time that limb is hit and clears all limb damage if it reaches 0