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  • (Quote)
    So now that the change is live, and I've gotten the chance to look through every achievement that Joe NewPlayer is gonna be able to feasibly complete... I think the numbers could do with some tweaking. I've just gone through my list of…
  • (Quote)
    Pretty much my thoughts on the matter. I don't care about not being able to retire, going into the transition since now I won't have to spend $2000 to be able to actually play it. If I'm spending, it'll be just like any other game: sp…
  • I wouldn't mind new promos... If they were offered for IG credits, as well. With the SAME rates, and prices. Not 100cr for a giftbag, when they only cost $5 on the website for example.
  • (Quote) Or make it so doubloons can be converted to credits at like a 5:1 ratio, I dunno. Considering you can only get 10? per day, I think... An extra 2 credits per day if you want to sink time into getting permanent artifacts instead, wouldn't b…
  • Since I'm one of the ones who suggested keeping Elite open at least, I think that would be nice. Perhaps since you're not worried about the revenue of the game all that much now, you could even increase the payout slightly. 150 baseline to 200 …
  • If anything it'd be better to start sooner.

    Get as high of a level as you can, so you're able to tackle harder things ASAP when the changes go live... Get as many achievements etc out of the way that you can, s…
  • Are you trying to guilt Matt into changing his mind?

    Do you like... Know Matt?
  • Knowing how scummy and generally asshole-ish people can be in these kinds of games, I'm gonna have to say "No thanks" to things like that. You also never lost 40% unless you were like level 50. In which case you got it back in like 5 minutes.
  • You can retire to Imperian. You just can't retire to Imperian after the cut-off date.
  • I'd say around ~3000 bound credits within about a month of slightly-above-casual playing would be reasonable. Counting the standard leveling lessons/credits. Maybe not counting the no-brainer stuff that Jeremy said was gonna be purchasable with…
  • A realisation struck me earlier today... @Jeremy are you aware the release date you pushed to, now coincides with when World of Warcraft's newest expansion goe…
  • But that's exactly how retirement has always functioned.

    I'm legitimately curious as to why you think it should change now. It's not as if they removed the option entirely; they're not forcing anything on you with thi…
  • There was nothing snarky about what I posted. If you perceived snark, then that's purely on you. The fact you felt the need to insult me only proves my point.

    As for the decreased value, I already said that's fa…
  • MKO was given full value because it closed down completely.

    Imperian is keeping its 50% value because it's not closing down, so you're not actually losing anything. Jeremy's already stated he was looking into adding p…
  • I wasn't really going to make a post here, but since you tagged me... I didn't say nothing but snark. I said snarky Matt is great, in fact there were plenty of times that both he and Jeremy answered questions... People just didn't like the answ…
  • I don't have much to add...

    All I'm gonna say is that reading this thread has made me remember how much I love snarky Matt. It's truly the best, and was an amazing thing to wake up and read.
  • Defiance shrines are generally bad enough, without Septus being there to hit you on one.
    in Owned Comment by Aysari August 2017
  • Message #468   Sent By: (imperian)      Received On: 8/09/2017/16:03

    "Bug #63310 has been resolved: Done! If someone has WARD in MAIMING, and doesn't know CURSEWARD in curses or survival, autocuring will now use the MAIMI…

    in I HEART Comment by Aysari August 2017
  • (Quote) Literally right next to each other, if you're using a dvorak keyboard, rather than a qwerty one.
    in I HEART Comment by Aysari August 2017
  • (Quote) My system has that, for using the in-game separator. I usually use sendAll() to get around people who use different mudlet separators (if I'm giving my scripts away), I was just lazy when I uploaded this.
  • (Quote) Shouldn't have. Unless you mean mudlet separator... Pretty much everyone I've known uses ; as their default mudlet separator, so I didn't bother mentioning it. >.>
  • I prefer this, personally.
    <div>function toBoolean(s)	
    <span style="background-color: transparent; color: inherit; font-size: inherit;">   </sp…