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  • Nobody did Big Evil the way Stavenn did Big Evil, even in the face of the most ridiculous adversity, and it's a shame that nobody ever will again.

    (Also, Khandava w…

  • (Quote) image
  • Giving retardation to malignists would be like giving retardation back to mages, except worse, because hellsight is the single most dangerous affliction that you can be tagged with in retardation. As a Mage I once bound the entire numpad to smoke la…
  • It goes fast, especially with the 50% bonus until RoS hits.

  • (Quote) "I do not like how 1v1 is implemented" does not naturally flow to "Iriaen's ideas are great and make 1v1 better". Sorry, bud.
  • Man, this reminds me a little bit of the bad old days of the forums, though substantially less profane.

    Someone makes a bad post, everyone jumps on it, there's bonding over the mutual destruction of terrible posting, punctuation and capit…
  • Yes, the game is not so good that I want to play it and fight 1v1

    No, your ideas would not fix that
  • Seriously buddy this is a democracy go prep some classleads for next round

    When they all fail then you can come back and post about how the Fed and the Illuminati are conspiring to keep your game design ideas down
  • Dear diary: Today on the Imperian forums Iriaen demonstrated that he has no idea how the classlead system works these days while yelling about how the game sucks because people changed it. I have been trolled yet again
  • Iriaen said: (Quote) Therefore instead we should let a guy who never logs on at all and hasn't fought in 5+ years do it
  • Dear diary: today Iriaen insinuated that we had balanced 1v1 at some point. I have been trolled again
  • Yeah I haven't fought in earnest in something like two, three years? Of course last time I fought seriously I was killing basically everyone I met on the road with Mage solo and in teams so I mean, I know a little something about stupid broken unfun…
  • Sir you can stop trying now I've already been trolled to death by the implication that the paragon of fighting in Imperian is Katsuma
  • The decline has pretty much nothing to do with PVP, frankly, as much as we like to make everything about us. The cycle of fighters in fighters out has stayed relatively static since forever, and conjecture about how 'game changes ruined X Y Z and ev…
  • Also the roleplay element of the game mostly dying out during the Forgotten Years is pretty much why the game entered its perceived state of decline, and the fact is that it still hasn't recovered.
  • (Quote) Dear diary: today on the Imperian forums Iriaen tried to tell me that reflexive and positional factors don't matter while arguing for RNG so that people have to operate on reaction instead of foreknowledge.

    I fear I h…
  • Your chess analogy would work if, like, in the middle of a chess game you could bust out Street Fighter and then if you win that you automatically win the chess game, too. Because, see, it's not all about linear damage trading, and there are avenues…
  • (Quote) haha spreadsheet using scrub get good

  • (Quote) People have been suggesting replacement mechanics since the dawn of classlead time, the fact that they don't get implemented has been because of a variety of factors like 'the suggestion is bad (says the playerbase)', 'the sugge…
  • I'd say maybe this is just some elaborate troll but the fact is that if I could believe anyone would say this in seriousness, I'd believe Iriaen could, so good job I guess
  • (Quote) Aeon and retardation were nuked because they were stupid and poorly balanced and that was basically never up for contest. Rebounding was frankly pretty anti-fun for melee classes and a poor balancing factor in any event that ten…
  • Also hahahaha "the Dregaurs quit [because the game was gradually rebalanced]" I WONDER WHY
  • "I don't understand anything about math or game design and I am mad" - Iriaen, 2014
  • Hey cool more Khandava evzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz