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  • Alright, so I watched the vid, and here is what I'm going to ask in response to that -

    Are you going to commit to a top-down approach on circle ideology? Or will you let the characters themselves drive their own ideology?

    I had…
  • Alright, went and reviewed the other two, I'll bite here -

    1) Any plans to address the issues with power creep or ideas how to address them?

    For context: When I first started playing over a decade ago you could stand your grou…
  • I'm considering giving things another go, but I guess the big issue is... I have no idea who to talk to or where to go to get me started again.

    If I could even get a hint regarding what Khandava's peak hours typically are I can likely tak…
    in Clueless Comment by Alitis June 2017
  • Actually, I'll be honest - despite finding it weird and more than a little disappointing, it's also a little exciting. At the very least: it creates purpose.

    A perhaps impotent purpose whose success depends less upon quality roleplaying, …
  • Damn, popping in to check out old haunts out of a sense of nostalgia, only to find this. It's like... it's like when I wondered what happened to an old Blockbuster I used to visit before Netflix was a thing, and discovering it's now an auto-parts st…
  • (Quote) 'Feeling like doing something' and 'being able to do something' are the basic pre-reqs for doing anything. It's not a personality analysis so much as it is a basic fact.
  • The thing is... there really isn't a conflict system I can think of that can be created which isn't subject to wild abuses, or which wouldn't get boring. All I do know is, in order to be fun, the following elements need to be in place for said syste…
  • @Sarrius:

    The problem everybody is having with you right now is that you are so focused on your 'rights', on your 'justifications', that you steadfastly…

  • (Quote) This is probably the first post I've seen you make on this issue where you weren't pretending you were doing this for any other reason than because you can. Good for you!

    Ellen - the best way to solve this probl…
  • This isn't about right or wrong, this is about what you're doing to do to stop them.

    I'll give you a hint - whining on the forums won't stop them.
  • ahskar band - The bearer of this band shall be able to disable all Raksha bands within his room - auction only item.

    It'd be amusing to see which goes for more credits.