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  • The only thing I'd like to see to make tracking easier is the kind of message Khizan suggested. Though I rather it look more like generic messages so something like:


    This would make us able to create ON…
  • The instant break from plimb is pretty ridiculous for keeping someone perma prone after a sshot incendiary. Easily fixed in the next classlead though ;)
  • In Mudlet you can use the pattern "return isPrompt()" and set the type to "Lua function". That'd match any prompt, whatever it looks like.
  • I hit "Save profile" basically every time I've made a change because it's hell making even small changes, have something go bad and lose that. Make it a habbit and then just delete the rather old profiles in your profile folder so it doesn't grow ou…
  • It's still a solid profession, even if it still might need some adjustments. Just track your afflictions as smart as possible and you'll do fine. Excellent profession in shardfalls I might add, due to Catharsis for fast kills and Shadowstrike for go…
  • Lich is one of the forms you can pick from with AB NECROMANCY ANIMATE. As a diabolist, it gives you faster deadeyes attacks which puts them down at 2.1s in Fast statpack - as already mentioned. So you need Transcendent Necromancy to get a hold of th…
  • My guess is that it'll be a mix of fire and magick damage. But either way, numbers are always tweaked during beta tests so there shouldn't be a reason to worry.
  • I'm so glad the Mudlet Mapper lets me click Download Map and I get a new copy of the map.xml file so I can path find after all of these fixes.
  • Yes. You can even do AB <SKILLNAME> FULL for ANY skillset in the game, not just the ones you know. That goes for AB files as well such as AB <SKILLNAME> <ABILITY>.

    ARMOR: Leather

  • Switched to Life the other day to buy some perks and switching back to Change as soon as I got the gold ;)
  • Oh right! I totally forgot about the artifact renting, that is really nice. I'd still love to see being able to switch profession and statpacks etc in the same way though. Sometimes you're just thinking about going something else but you're not sure…
  • I'd like to see some kind of "test" command to see stuff like balance times in a different statpack. Like if I wielded the weapon I want to test and did TEST <MOVE> AS <STATPACK> and it'd show me the balance times. 

  • PK, Coding, RP, People, Memories ;)
  • I originally started to play Imperian because the classes were more appealing to me than the ones we had in Achaea back then. As an old Naga it was really nice to migrate to Imperian and use traps and whatnot. Trioxin arrows were fun too for the tim…
  • See, that’s basic curing and that’s all you’d need in autocuring. That’s what I’ve been saying the whole time. But now we’re having the option to change prios which goes beyond basic healing. You’re giving autocuring the edge that client side s…
  • I don’t know why you associate client side systems with buy-ins. That was never the case for Imperian at least, since we had IMTS available for free and people even modded it so it would become updated for those who didn’t want to do it on thei…
  • You can't argue anymore that changing a prio for certain affs or at certain conditions against certain classes is a problem with autocuring anymore, that feature just went live and can be done using a simple alias for each class if you'd like t…
  • The difference between releasing Vadi’s, Whyte’s or anyone else’s system is that it is client side and has all the side effects that come with it. It’s not nearly as good as what autocuring is at knowing exactly what is going on. Detecting a mi…
  • Someone completely new to the game would use autocuring for sure, but what would they learn about the game from that point? You’d learn your offensive abilities and that’s about it. There’s no charm, at least not for me, when you just focus on your …