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  • I want to thank everyone mentioning the novices, and their experience with the skills.

    When I first started this (Holy crap, was that seven years ago?) And took up Outrider skills, one of the best things about it was the plethora of litt…
  • I appreciate that, thank you. I'll do that when I'm actually in the game next.
  • And I find myself still very confused about all the specifics about the new systems. This is the fourth time reading through this thread, now, and I just... Don't understand. I really don't see an answer to my questions, but that could be because al…
  • right now, some characters have hundreds (Hundreds, I know I have at least two hundred fifty designs spread out over two shops right now, and fifty in my Tome. I'm a little concerned about how I think I'm reading the changes in the decay times. I'm …
  • Thanks, Sarc. Seems to me every time I have a chance (as in a system's put in place) for RP, something comes along and disrupts it. One of these days, I'll get a hold of someone capable of making it happen, and a proposal will actually result in act…
  • Zarim - Nice. I like those suggestions. I think following that path for a few more of them would be helpful, too.

    I would just like to see things that are helpful for more than just combat, also. Lalitana has it pegged. Sell us on why th…
  • I should say "Stilted payoff" not limited. In either case, it's just forcing everyone into more combat than we're all already forced into, and I had been under the impression that this would somehow be as much about the purpose behind them than blin…
  • With some very basic differences (like Duplicate) seems to me a lot of these rituals are things that you could gain access to simply by being a mage or a bard or something similar. (Burrowing, Icestorm, Meteor) Or else that are simply variated versi…
  • I prefer to think of it as North America, being all Canadian and shite.

    I've often old my southern friends "You come to my forest, I'll come visit your desert." And you know, since we have more forest here...