We're so addicted to peace

So, I threw in changes to PEACE and ADDICTION in the latest classlead round to make the skills more useful. I knew there were going to be complications, but I was going to wait to berate myself for being short sighted. So, having dinked around with the changes and seen some of the changes, I wanted to throw these ideas out into the ether and see if we can get this hot-fixed before waiting for who knows how long for another classlead cycle.
Peace bandaid:
It blocks the next aggressive action, or next two aggressive actions.
Assassin: Honestly, I'd remove peace from hypnosis. I don't think they need it considering how powerful the skillset already is. A lot of people die to saboteurs 1v1 while hitting back the entire time. I don't think it's necessary to deny them that chance to flail uselessly against their attacker.
Malignist: The issue here is toxins. Honestly, stop envenoming the daegger. It doesn't fit with the role. Make the daegger have the Malignist tainted blood on it and allow the daegger to channel the afflictions as chosen by the malignist. It would be analogous to envenoming, but more fitting for the role and it allows you to tailor the affliction list with regards to balance. You could even space awesome hunt toxins throughout the skillset.
Addiction needs to be removed from any sort of combo-damage ability. You can replace them with something else. (I may have missed one here)
-Treant combination.
OR: Your addiction attack does the affliction, but no damage. (not comboable)
Peace shouldn't be able to be instilled (Spatium) or triggered (Supremacy)
Peace bandaid:
It blocks the next aggressive action, or next two aggressive actions.
--------End of bandaids-----
I saved this one for last because it actually goes beyond the scope of 'hot fix' but I think it's worth the effort. It's a tough problem to solve, but I think it would be better down the road if we actually addressed these issues. The classes that have access to both of these should be minimal, if at all. The problem you run into here is that hunter/malignist/wytchen/assassin have a lot of overlap because of toxins and quirky design.
I saved this one for last because it actually goes beyond the scope of 'hot fix' but I think it's worth the effort. It's a tough problem to solve, but I think it would be better down the road if we actually addressed these issues. The classes that have access to both of these should be minimal, if at all. The problem you run into here is that hunter/malignist/wytchen/assassin have a lot of overlap because of toxins and quirky design.
Assassin: Honestly, I'd remove peace from hypnosis. I don't think they need it considering how powerful the skillset already is. A lot of people die to saboteurs 1v1 while hitting back the entire time. I don't think it's necessary to deny them that chance to flail uselessly against their attacker.
Wytch: Both afflictions are useful. I can't decide which I'd choose to lose, but I think it's going to be paralysis. You'd have to remove paralysis from curses/shamanism and probably replace it something else (at least in shamanism).
Malignist: The issue here is toxins. Honestly, stop envenoming the daegger. It doesn't fit with the role. Make the daegger have the Malignist tainted blood on it and allow the daegger to channel the afflictions as chosen by the malignist. It would be analogous to envenoming, but more fitting for the role and it allows you to tailor the affliction list with regards to balance. You could even space awesome hunt toxins throughout the skillset.
Hunter: Same problem as Malignist. We didn't learn our lesson from Hecate version 1 in the beta. You really can't give a class access to every affliction in the game and call it balanced, especially with the doom of supremacy lingering around. Remove the ability for hunters to use venoms and queue them up a system that allows them to directly poison their claws from a select list of toxins (even some unique ones, maybe) to deliver afflictions.
Toxins for mental affs from hynosis.
Toxins for mental affs from hynosis.
On further test, paralysis might go. Just give me an semi-useful aff in shamanism instead of it. Or a way for two witch to afflict someone at the same time.
I do think, however, that loshre with peace is silly.
Plunge your spear into an opponent's thigh and drag it up the length of his or her body, damaging and causing heavy bleeding. If the target has haemoph
ilia, the attack will also cause elixir addiction and a random affliction.
What precisely did you do to pacifism/peace?
Peace as it is now is too... Kyrockian. "You think fighting should be two people hitting each other?" etc etc etc.
"On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."
I just felt the need to remark the difference.
Wytch and Malign, I can't speak on as they are much more delicate 'ecosystems' in terms of contained balance. I like loshre and nairat flare as tools - on paper. The reality is that they can stick some dumb shit - but is removing that possibility neutering the class? I feel like pacifism's fix there is removing its classification as an aff, making it no longer subject to loshre or nairat..
Of course that comes with a lot of silly side effects, like focus no longer curing it. :l
If, on the other hand, paralysis is removed from witch, then loshre might need to stay. But make exceptions, like peace.
//bad combatant out of discussion now.
Context supplied!
(Burt): You say, "I'm against any sort of combat strategy that locks down an
offense without serious sacrifice."
(Burt): You say, "Sorry if that means that iI'm against your super-skilled 2
second DSL and ciguaspam."
(Burt): Kyrock says, "Which means you want everyone to just hack on each other
and see who dies first."
"On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."
Malignist uses it to avoid infirmity stack cures.
The question is, what other classes need this sort of advantage? It's arguable that affliction classes with pre-set ways to disrupt or slow down healing do not need additional methods that further leverage off-herb heals. I'm 100% on board for giving Malignists that sort of tool, but I don't see many advantages to offering it to Assassins, Wytchen, and Hunters.
Instilled Pacifism being incurable until everything else is handled.
Triggered Pacifism making the Hunter net a free 2 afflictions unless you want to not fight back. (EDIT: The Hunter wants you to cure pacifism because then they get +1 Mental Aff count. Of course, if you don't, you lose because you cannot stop them.)
Wytch being capable of hiding pacifism beneath Runelore cure blocking.
Curing an affliction that literally makes all of your attacks unusable - and we are speaking quite literally, here - should never come with consequences that screw you over more.
That being said, I don't actually have a problem with peace staying or going or whatever. I can always pick another affliction, it just happens to be a nice one that helps me live longer.