Dimitri tells you, "//'you're a collection of data in a game called 'Imperian', you're not even real.
' -mindsplode-."
this is how I will imagine summoner enlighten kills from now on xD
<div>Message #2062 Sent By: (imperian) Received On: 1/20/2018/2:59</div><div>"Antioch has filed a bounty against you. Reason: Raiding Antioch and stealing Bina, being a right</div><div>ass, and not belonging anywhere near Antioch till he grows up."</div>
This is the place where we keep you whilst you are offline. If you are actually seeing this,
something's gone a bit wrong, so just go north to leave.
You tell The Lovely Kabaal Lynne, Organ Grinder, "What is the sphere of stasis?
You tell The Lovely Kabaal Lynne, Organ Grinder, "I broked it."
Kabaal tells you, "It's where bad people go when they die."
I knew this day would come
I love how you asked this question, Kabaal gave a perfectly acceptable answer... and all promptly ignored the logical explanation in the roomdesc. :P
<div>Message #2062 Sent By: (imperian) Received On: 1/20/2018/2:59</div><div>"Antioch has filed a bounty against you. Reason: Raiding Antioch and stealing Bina, being a right</div><div>ass, and not belonging anywhere near Antioch till he grows up."</div>
^That's a good place to be honestly, there about 1 million songbirds in there from logged off characters.
So, sometimes I take for granted all the descriptions the game offers. Especially the room messages that I just instinctively ignore. Sometimes when you notice them though, you realize that Imperian as a world can really be quite beautiful.
A diffused glow is seen towards the southern expanse of black sky, an aurora borealis of subtle beauty rippling with a multitude of prismatic arrays.
You say, "Oh crap." You say, "My bottle is empty." Jeremy raises an eyebrow questioningly. Jeremy slaps you on the cheek.
Um, things got a lot kinkier around here while I was gone. (For clarification: Larkin changed guild rank names recently and I think he meant for GR5 to be Fire Stoker. But combined with the actual city rank name, it takes on a whole different feeling...)
(Ring): You say, "Imagine a vial that held infinity sips of every toxin all at once."
H:490 M:473 R:0 B:0 <eb >
(Ring): You say, "That's the venom rag."
H:490 M:473 R:0 B:0 <eb >
(Ring): Justus says, "Like a wife?"
<div>Message #2062 Sent By: (imperian) Received On: 1/20/2018/2:59</div><div>"Antioch has filed a bounty against you. Reason: Raiding Antioch and stealing Bina, being a right</div><div>ass, and not belonging anywhere near Antioch till he grows up."</div>
The Western Celidon shudders as the Nightmare takes hold.
<div>Message #2062 Sent By: (imperian) Received On: 1/20/2018/2:59</div><div>"Antioch has filed a bounty against you. Reason: Raiding Antioch and stealing Bina, being a right</div><div>ass, and not belonging anywhere near Antioch till he grows up."</div>
The wind swirls about The Nightmare giving him the bleeding curse.
Mana Lost: 5
Blood begins to flow from the Nightmare's pores.
Damage dealt: 1 Remaining: 0.00%
The final blow is too much, you have slain the Nightmare.
The Nightmare, your loyal companion, has been slain by Sarrius.
You just received message #1759 from (imperian).
The clutch of the nightmare fades from the Western Celidon.
You take a black pool of essence and 184 golden sovereigns from the corpse as you pick it up.
Balance Taken: 1.37s
Guess I failed?
<div>Message #2062 Sent By: (imperian) Received On: 1/20/2018/2:59</div><div>"Antioch has filed a bounty against you. Reason: Raiding Antioch and stealing Bina, being a right</div><div>ass, and not belonging anywhere near Antioch till he grows up."</div>
The Lovely Kabaal Lynne, Organ Grinder is here, hidden. He wields a black ophidian shield of articulated plates in his left hand and a poisoned whip in his right. Alpha Assassinator, Aodan Aracelia, Aryana's Abomination is here, wreathed in a cloud of bile. He wields an akrabi scepter in his left hand and a truesilver shield in his right.
Aodan twists a signet ring and call upon the powers of nature. Within moments the sky is broiling with dark clouds and violent lightning.
Aodan points accusingly at you.
You point accusingly at Kabaal.
Aodan points accusingly at you.
Aodan points accusingly at you.
Aodan points accusingly at you.
Aodan points accusingly at you.
Aodan points accusingly at you.
You point accusingly at Kabaal.
You point accusingly at Kabaal.
You point accusingly at Kabaal.
An arc of lightning rains down from the heavens, slamming into your unprotected body. Pain screams through your muscles, and your every nerve fiber howls in agony as you are electrified. Damage Taken: 64 electricity (raw damage: 95) Aodan points accusingly at you.
You say, "Goddamit."
You roll on the floor, laughing.
Aodan claps his hands together merrily.
You point your finger at Wyll and pretend to shoot.
(Ring): Lartus says, "Then it exploded."
(Ring): Zsetsu says, "Everyone's playing checkers, but Theophilus is playing chess."
Lartus-isms. :V
Me: "Okay."
Lartus: "Baked Anette."
Me: "Friend, I don't think your drugs are strong enough for that."
(Ring): Lartus says, "Then it exploded."
(Ring): Zsetsu says, "Everyone's playing checkers, but Theophilus is playing chess."
(Wyll walks in on Pha talking to Anarys and Dular)
Pha says, "This is very upsetting you two won't help me."
You say, "Pha!"
Pha says, "Wyll I need your large pockets."
Anarys Aureluht says, "Pha, it's not legitimate at all. Don't give strangers your money."
Pha says, "I just got a letter...here."
You say to Pha, "What's up?"
Pha says, "Read that!"
Pha says, "You always have a ton of gold."
(Wyll proceeds to read the letter @Oystir posted above)
You say, "Hm."
Pha says, "Let's transfer the gold and then we can split the gains in half."
You say, "Interesting.. I got one too."
Pha says, "Did you already transfer the gold then?"
Pha says, "Dular and Anarys think it is a trick."
You say to Pha, "Wait until my wife wakes up and I can ask her for the gold. We'll be rich!"
Pha says, "Speaking of that."
You say, "Why would a prince trick us?"
Pha says, "There is no good reason."
Pha says, "These two are just jaded."
Dular Sa'Gael says to you, "Anyone can claim to be a prince and have any extraneous circumstance."
You say to Dular, "Isn't it illegal to claim to be royalty?"
You say, "Surely no one would break the laws."
Dular Sa'Gael says to you, "Wyll... don't be a dumbass."
Anarys Aureluht says, "Laws are per council or city. As far as I know, there is no such law."
Pha says, "I am going to go get my gold ready in case you don't have enough Wyll."
You say to Dular, "I think you're missing out on a great opportunity to get rich. And fast."
Anarys Aureluht looks undecided and says, "Well, I just came here to deliver a cat."
Dular Sa'Gael says to you, "And I think you're being a goober."
Pha says, "I will see you all later, on my gold chariot."
You say, "My bottle is empty."
Jeremy raises an eyebrow questioningly.
Jeremy slaps you on the cheek.
this is how I will imagine summoner enlighten kills from now on xD
You tell The Lovely Kabaal Lynne, Organ Grinder, "What is the sphere of stasis?
You tell The Lovely Kabaal Lynne, Organ Grinder, "I broked it."
Kabaal tells you, "It's where bad people go when they die."
I knew this day would come
So, sometimes I take for granted all the descriptions the game offers. Especially the room messages that I just instinctively ignore. Sometimes when you notice them though, you realize that Imperian as a world can really be quite beautiful.
A diffused glow is seen towards the southern expanse of black sky, an aurora borealis of subtle
beauty rippling with a multitude of prismatic arrays.
You say, "My bottle is empty."
Jeremy raises an eyebrow questioningly.
Jeremy slaps you on the cheek.
Borrowed from Latin boreālis (“northern”), from Boreās, from Ancient Greek Βορέᾱς (Boréās, “personification of the north wind”).
On the flip side, aurora australis has more of a real-world connotation cause g'day mate./end pedantry
Um, things got a lot kinkier around here while I was gone. (For clarification: Larkin changed guild rank names recently and I think he meant for GR5 to be Fire Stoker. But combined with the actual city rank name, it takes on a whole different feeling...)
combatants are now big fish thanks to Tywin and I. We need to all race change to lamira
Guess I failed?
You shudder violently as a chill ripples down your spine.
You say to Zerin, "It's a rather long story."
Aodan twists a signet ring and call upon the powers of nature. Within moments the sky is broiling
with dark clouds and violent lightning.
Aodan points accusingly at you.
You point accusingly at Kabaal.
Aodan points accusingly at you.
Aodan points accusingly at you.
Aodan points accusingly at you.
Aodan points accusingly at you.
Aodan points accusingly at you.
You point accusingly at Kabaal.
You point accusingly at Kabaal.
You point accusingly at Kabaal.
An arc of lightning rains down from the heavens, slamming into your unprotected body. Pain screams
through your muscles, and your every nerve fiber howls in agony as you are electrified.
Damage Taken: 64 electricity (raw damage: 95)
Aodan points accusingly at you.
You say, "Goddamit."
You roll on the floor, laughing.
Aodan claps his hands together merrily.