PK and excessive promo items
I've been extremely hesitant about asking about this but it has gotten to the point that I really want some public opinion.
I spend 90% of my time fighting solo. AM has people that are working on their combat for some time now but really none that are functioning fully. That's fine, I understand it takes awhile to get up and going. The issue with solo fighting is I'm getting ganked for anything I do. Once again, this is fine as well. I have no problem trying to beat the odds. The part that has finally gotten me is the fact I'm going into a slanted fight almost all the time and get chained nonstop. Apparently, some players have sunk a fortune into owning more chains than a chain factory.
My problem is this, if I know you use chains and your with help, I'm now to the point of just straight up running and disengaging in combat. This mechanic is completely killing combat and overall any of my interest in combat altogether. Professions(especially demonic) have some of the best hinder skills in the game. Why isn't this enough? Doesn't this ruin the fun for the attacker as well?
I spend 90% of my time fighting solo. AM has people that are working on their combat for some time now but really none that are functioning fully. That's fine, I understand it takes awhile to get up and going. The issue with solo fighting is I'm getting ganked for anything I do. Once again, this is fine as well. I have no problem trying to beat the odds. The part that has finally gotten me is the fact I'm going into a slanted fight almost all the time and get chained nonstop. Apparently, some players have sunk a fortune into owning more chains than a chain factory.
My problem is this, if I know you use chains and your with help, I'm now to the point of just straight up running and disengaging in combat. This mechanic is completely killing combat and overall any of my interest in combat altogether. Professions(especially demonic) have some of the best hinder skills in the game. Why isn't this enough? Doesn't this ruin the fun for the attacker as well?
Personally, I think the chains shouldn't exist, and escape skills should be changed - Especially when they're on artifacts.
S1: Increase chain distance
S2: Decrease chain duration
S3: Decrease chain uses
S4: Increase chain availability further and add non-promo ways to acquire them.
This would prevent the chain being used on "normal" players (like Dyron), or just used as a "normal" way to hold someone at all. I don't care what happens, just saying you could narrow the usage of these items to only counter the things that they were originally implemented to counter.
If people really want that holding ability in a more general way, we definitely have it now, but I don't think it was ever really discussed... I guess the question is, do you want it or not? (trick question, ofc, the answer is obvs that we want it when we're trying to hold someone but it's bad if I am trying to get away)
Well, really just one active player
Just saying that chains and shackles have definitely found uses well beyond the reason(s) they were implemented, for better or worse, and players have never had the discussion "well, do we want these items to have such broad use, or not"?
I think that the sheer volume of times this topic comes up is indicative that something needs to change. Death by a thousand cuts it might be, but the final cut is the final cut for a reason - continuing this course, I see the potential for any one of these to be too deep a cut. That sounds dramatic, sure, but it isn't an unrealistic fear at all.
EDIT: boots are actually another prime example of the extra scrutiny abilities get when they are widely available, ala the concept of neutral classes, for example (and that is a good thing)
This results in defensive class balance being based exclusively on armor values, and not how 'slippery' the class is to pin down. Classes with lower than average mitigation are then forced to Classlead for more defensive tools, because in a world with no escape or affliction hindering they have no other choice.
Like a daydream.. or a fever
Flip boots should never have been made a generally available artifact. A small handful available as auction exclusive items were fine (increased incentive to team the people who had them), but once everyone started to get them the game shifted toward the opposite problem. Combat -should- be somewhat voluntary, but unless you're a class balanced around mobility it should carry at least some element of risk to flee.
That said, the ship on both of these decisions has probably sailed. With afflictions no longer hindering, and mobility no longer possible, the only thing left to do is tank.
Like a daydream.. or a fever
*: They aren't different. They should have never been released either. This is just another example of wanting a quick buck as opposed a healthy product.
E: constructive comment - we won't see flip boots taken away because they had tons of credits invested in them during auctions, etc. Chains I could see going, and @Naruj has the right idea in that regard. Chains are one of the big examples when I say that promos are sentencing Imperian's PK environment to a death by 1000 cuts. In this line of thought, chains are an example of a deeper than usual cut.
If you turned them into an uncurable aeon-style slow for travel or a rubble-type effect that worked on any single room movement skill, you'd still make them worth using - but it would feel less like buying a death sentence at the expense of class balance.
Like a daydream.. or a fever
If nothing is done, then people who get into combat will continue to feel the need to buy super expensive (but still OP) escape toys to keep up, which aggravates the have-nots either into not engaging or into relying heavily at all opportunities upon fairly easily accessible promotional items that are a hard counter to all but the most skilled/tanky/lucky combatants (flippers or not). The latter result is similarly reductive of people on the battlefield, but that fact is not going to stop people from using it, just like it's not going to stop people from buying and using flipboots.
As for the chains, reducing the number uses seems fair enough. Chains and shackles though have been around for a long time, and everyone has used them. I just question why it's suddenly an issue now. They're used in all kinds of situtions; not only offensive. There are defensive uses for things like shackles. Shackles are also pretty scarce now; I think the last time I was shackled by anyone was @Septus and that was quite some time ago.
Boots already punish you for escaping from piety/gravehands. If you don't know what that punishment is, I'm sure you have a pair of ethereal boots lying around because no one uses them for some reason. Do FRONTFLIP <dir> and see what it does for yourself.
NONE of these issues are new - people have been posting complaints against boots and chains since they were released. You are simply starting to see a consensus now, likely due to the relative smaller scale of conflicts.
Like a daydream.. or a fever
EDIT: Pretty sure it's a 4/5 failure rate, which would put it closer to 80%.
Like a daydream.. or a fever
Second, it's not a huge deal because there's a pretty good chance of escape there.
You walk in, you throw down piety/ghands, they immediately try to run.