Forming An Arc for my character
Hi! I'm new to imperian. I've read the history, and I have a vague vision of my character's arc, but I'm not sure how to make it a living plot that I can persue every time I play. Does anyone have any character development tips? Thanks! Also, how can I find out about the part of history that would've affected my life as a child? Thanks, be well!
Also, you are basically semi-immortal (less mortal than most deities in IRE if we're being honest, not just Imperian, where we don't have them). Someone can chop off all your limbs and rip your guts out in front of you and 2 minutes later you can come back and try to murder them. So there's that. Also, if they aren't already, nearly every NPC village will be terrified of you at some point. Or should be. Because you are a bloodthirsty jerk who comes around and kills them all regularly. You're a filthy magicker (hi!), but, people can and do "switch teams" for a variety of reasons, and sometimes switching teams is even necessary for the good of the game, so I think it is good to keep that in mind (and maybe not do a super inflexible sort of diehard faction RP - although it's not like you absolutely couldn't do that).
That sounds so basic (it is basic), but I feel like that is our characters' starting point/reality whether we mostly PK, mostly RP, mostly PVE, or are one of those rare, rare unicorns who truly does lots of all of those things. But I mean, you (probably) were not raised by humble farmers and your parents were murdered by orcs, never to be seen again (or 2 minutes later).
Anyway, hi!
If you told us what kind of character you invision I or someone else could probably direct you to the locations and lore that may be relevant to this.
(Ring): Lartus says, "Then it exploded."
(Ring): Zsetsu says, "Everyone's playing checkers, but Theophilus is playing chess."