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Improving Imperian



  • You have set the 'paralysis' affliction to the 1 priority.

    Could that message be changed to something like:

    You have changed the 'paralysis' affliction priority from 4 to 1.

    There are a lot of situation where I want to temporarily shift my priorities, and this kind of thing would make it a lot easier to reset my priorities to their previous value

    "On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."

  • Can shop directories display prices along with the item listing
  • Khizan said:

    The token wriststrap that does the name-displaying thing for weapons doesn't actually function as a wriststrap for the purposes of preventing it from getting unwielded and such.

    Could my artifact wriststrap please have wriststrap functionality? 

    Quoting this to bring it back up(if it hasn't been changed). Can wriststraps work like wriststraps?
  • Can there be subscriptions that shopkeepers can sell.

    Imagine you shop for your elixirs/ herbs at Acme & Co. Instead of running out of it at and going to the store - the store should be able to refill your vialbelt/ rift with herbs as soon as you drop below a certain threshold. 

    So, lets say the subscription is for 1000 health sips, you prepay for it and get the sips you want automatically. If by chance the shop runs out of it - you should get a refund on your subscription
  • Another artifact related question.

    Could Taekate belts work under the artifact system, similar to how collars work? I don't like being forced into wearing a belt, largely because the keyword "belt" conflicts with all my pocketbelts. Failing that(or in addition to that), could we possibly refer to them by "monkbelt" or something similar? Would be much more convenient than having to go by number to avoid belt conflicts.

    "On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."

  • I don't really think that having truefavours as a reward for the last arena win adds as much incentive as I'd like to see for joining arena events. It only really encourages a small handful of people(people who actually have a reasonable chance of winning any particular event for the TF), instead of causing a larger amount of the population to participate in. I feel like this is another place to consider the sort of "daily" quests that I've advocated for before and that administration have positively commented on. Consider a constant xp bonus for those who participate(doesn't matter win or loss) in an average of one arena event daily or more? Maybe some other more generally useful buff for higher participation. Getting the "sometimes pk" crowd more interested and involved in pk is always a beneficial thing to the entire pk community, in my experience/opinion.
  • Ohm said:
    Can there be subscriptions that shopkeepers can sell.

    Imagine you shop for your elixirs/ herbs at Acme & Co. Instead of running out of it at and going to the store - the store should be able to refill your vialbelt/ rift with herbs as soon as you drop below a certain threshold. 

    So, lets say the subscription is for 1000 health sips, you prepay for it and get the sips you want automatically. If by chance the shop runs out of it - you should get a refund on your subscription
    Neat idea, but wouldn't that defeat the purpose of having super-huge vialbelts available through tokens/artifacts? Not that I agree with those artifacts, but I don't see how this benefits the shop owner either. If the shop runs out of herbs completely, does this remove the boon from the vialbelt? Do you get a refund of your prepurchase? Is it mailed to you in an annoying bird letter?

    On that note, @Eoghan @Garryn , can we -please- have a config or option to disable the 'credits mailed by bird' thing from the credit market? I had to invest in locating a humgii, or in a Bag of Devourer (which I did, because it's awesome), in order to get rid of the collection of white letters that were cluttering up my inventory.


  • It would be very beneficial to Sects if the leaders could see not only the overall belief a person raises (this is shown in achievement stats but if you have someone who's been in multiple orgs it won't reflect the stat for just their time in yours), but the amount the same person spends so that we can examine the ratio and address leeches and dead weight accordingly.
  • Can getting gold from letters be made simpler. Something like GET GOLD FROM LETTER ALL - instead of having get gold from letters individually. Maybe it already exists but I don't know how to use it.
  • I have trouble differentiating gold sovereigns and gold commodity. This happens while trying to hand someone gold. Anyway to circumvent that would be nice.
  • edited February 2016
    Give sovereigns. Or just INR your gold comms :P
  • OhmOhm
    edited February 2016
    Suralina said:
    Give sovereigns. Or just INR your gold comms :P
    If I could only spell soveriegns
  • DecDec
    edited February 2016
    "Sovereigns" no longer works with give/put/get when referring to gold.  

    Edit: Apparently Eoghan decided to make it work now.
  • Dec said:
    Edit: Apparently Eoghan decided to make it work now.
    Like most item names, I used the singular - sovereign will work (but sovereigns won't).
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  • Khizan said:

    Another artifact related question.

    Could Taekate belts work under the artifact system, similar to how collars work? I don't like being forced into wearing a belt, largely because the keyword "belt" conflicts with all my pocketbelts. Failing that(or in addition to that), could we possibly refer to them by "monkbelt" or something similar? Would be much more convenient than having to go by number to avoid belt conflicts.

    I was going to add terms to them, but they actually already respond to "taekatebelt" (as well as "COLORbelt" and "belt").
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  • Arakis said:
    It would be very beneficial to Sects if the leaders could see not only the overall belief a person raises (this is shown in achievement stats but if you have someone who's been in multiple orgs it won't reflect the stat for just their time in yours), but the amount the same person spends so that we can examine the ratio and address leeches and dead weight accordingly.
    Could probably pester someone in AM. I think someone has coded up a response to this. I remember Rennyn had something for Unspeakable for awhile.

  • I would absolutely adore some sort of command with the ability to move backwards through news, similar to MSG PREVIOUS(aka RL). It's such a small thing, but I get annoyed every time I have to NSTAT and manually READ ANNOUNCE <#> when I need to look back at a very recent classlead post or something.
  • Or steal SEARCHNEWS <section> <search text> from Achaea, so at the very least you can use keywords to bring up a list of posts including them if you know what you're looking for.
  • Any chance we could get a more on KEYLIST? In addition/instead, could we get an optional arg like "INUSE" or something, to omit keys that no longer fit locks?

    My keylist kind of terrifies me.

  • Xeron said:
    Or steal SEARCHNEWS <section> <search text> from Achaea, so at the very least you can use keywords to bring up a list of posts including them if you know what you're looking for.
    This please, this is the best thing.
  • I love the ability to transfer city credits as bound credits, because it ensures that they aren't resold. Could we also get a "transfer x credits [as bound] to lowbie for n gold" syntax as well?

    I like being able to sell for cheap to lowbies or give them away freely, but I'd like to have a way of ensuring that they're not just being flipped on the market.

    "On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."

  • Khizan said:

    I love the ability to transfer city credits as bound credits, because it ensures that they aren't resold. Could we also get a "transfer x credits [as bound] to lowbie for n gold" syntax as well?

    I like being able to sell for cheap to lowbies or give them away freely, but I'd like to have a way of ensuring that they're not just being flipped on the market.

    If it's city credits, you should be able to transfer them bound per Announce 3252:
       - CITY/GUILD CREDITS TRANSFER <amount> TO <player> <BOUND|UNBOUND> [reason] allows you to transfer credits to a player, who must be in your city or guild

    You should be able to have them deposit the gold (if you're selling them) and then transfer. If it's not working, please BUG it!
  • No, I mean, I want to be able to transfer personal credits as bound, also.

    "On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."

  • We'll consider it. We're also considering allowing credit donations back into an org's credit account. No promises yet though.
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  • Instead of this constant spam: 
    (Antioch): An elite empath of the Protectorate says, "A Horde caravan has been spotted entering the Vardarian Highlands!"
    (Antioch): An elite empath of the Protectorate says, "A Horde caravan has been spotted entering the Dardanic Grasslands!"

    ... could this be replaced with something like: 
    (Antioch): An elite empath of the Protectorate says, "A Horde caravan has been spotted entering the Vardarian Highlands, moving through the Dardanic Grasslands, etc. etc.

    Basically one CT to announce the route it's taking. 
    (Ring): Lartus says, "I heard Theophilus once threw a grenade and killed ten people."
    (Ring): Lartus says, "Then it exploded."

    (Ring): Zsetsu says, "Everyone's playing checkers, but Theophilus is playing chess."
  • edited February 2016

    (Affinity): Your Demonic affinity is 93%. It is affected by Magick Armour.

    After switching circles, I have no way to remove the sunburst outside of smithing a whole new set of fullplate which is something I should only have to do when it decays eventually.

    Allow CLEANSE to work on armor as well as weaponry.

    While I'm at it, can we please add a CONFIG AFFINITY OFF to turn off the affinity spam announcement?

  • Ario said:

    (Affinity): Your Demonic affinity is 93%. It is affected by Magick Armour.

    Doesn't Sunburst need orichalcum in the armour to be sketched on it, anyway? So cleansing wouldn't really do a whole lot.
  • Suralina said:
    Doesn't Sunburst need orichalcum in the armour to be sketched on it, anyway? So cleansing wouldn't really do a whole lot.
    Orichalcum doesn't effect affinity, just the effects put on it thereafter.
  • Also, don't think fullplate ever decays. Just for reference.
  • Dicene said:
    Also, don't think fullplate ever decays. Just for reference.
    Yeah. Noticed that when I probed the plate later on. Still, I'd be nice to fix it, or at least disable the notification.

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